Computing Magazine

Fake Apple Store in China

Posted on the 21 July 2011 by Jesusmsanchezl @JesusmSanchezl

Fix Skype Mac AppleRecently in China, a new “Apple Store” was discovered by a Chinese blogger. So what? what is the big deal with that?

Well, there is something with this “Apple Store”. The thing is really funny and creepy at the same time: The whole store is fake!. In the beginning, everything looks authentic but after a while wandering around the store, some things were not right. Our Chinese friend describes it like this: 

They looked like Apple products. It looked like an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area.

The employees were even wearing those blue T-shirts with the chunky Apple name tags around their necks.

The name tags around the necks of the friendly salespeople didn’t actually have names on them — just an Apple logo and the anonymous designation ‘Staff’

For those who has been in an real Apple Store, you will remember that the employees have a badge with a picture and their names on it. Regarding the products, they were reselling original Apple products at a much higher price and, of course, selling copies of them.

When you get tho the store you could think that it can be a Chinese version of the American one, but several details like wall painting, assembly of the tables and other things were poorly made. This is the type of details that you will never find in a fancy and real Apple Store, because they care too much on simple things like that. But that is not all. There is a sad story on this: The employees actually thought that they were working for Apple and the true story is that they were scammed in a job perspective.

There is a detail that most of the people forget and it is the help that the official Apple website provides to find a store nearby. In china, you can find a couple of  stores in Beijing and Shanghai that were opened only recently, but that store does not appear in the list.

You can see here a couple of pictures taken there. (I do not claim any rights or property on them)


Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store

Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store

Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store
Fake Apple Store

Source: Bird Abroad

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