Food & Drink Magazine

Egg Less Carrot Muffin

By Harini
I am into lots of baking these days.I bake some sort of muffins with wheat four and any fruit for my daughter's snacks twice or thrice a week.She loves these muffins,she likes to remove the liner and eat it all on her own and I am very happy and satisfied as I know these muffins are not only tasty but healthy too.I feel it is good to introduce different kinds of foods especially to toddlers as they may get bored with same kind of food.Different colors and flavors will sure entice them and we just have make sure those flavors and colors comes from natural and healthy ingredients.These kind of finger foods are great for toddlers who wish to feed on their own.I have already blogged about few healthy muffins recipes here,and here is one more addition to the list.The other day I was all set to prepare my usual vanilla muffins and then I thought of making it more healthy,I added  some grated carrots and handful of raisins.It was such a great treat for us,we enjoyed it warm with coffee.You may choose to leave out raisins but I strongly recommend you add them :)
Egg less carrot muffin
Egg less carrot muffin recipe
Star ingredient:wheat flour,carrot
Time:10+20 minutes
Yield 6-7 muffins
Egg less carrot muffin
1 cup whole wheat flour
2/3 cup grated carrot
Handful raisins/sultana
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
3/4 cup curd
3 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
1.Wash,peel and grate the carrots.Keep aside along with raisins.Preheat oven at 180C
2.Take oil and curd in a mixing bowl and mix well.Add sugar to it and mix well till the sugar dissolves.
Egg less carrot muffin3.Now sift wheat flour along with baking powder,soda and salt to the wet mixture.Mix well.Do not over beat the batter.
4.Now fold in the carrots and raisins and mix gently.
Egg less carrot muffin5.Prepare a muffin tin by greasing and lining.Spoon the batter in each hole and bake for 15-20 minutes in preheated oven.
Egg less carrot muffin6.Allow to cool for 5 minutes,serve warm.
Egg less carrot muffinNotes:
1.You can add any fruits like apple,pear instead of carrot in this recipe.
2.You can add vannila/cardamom/saffron to the batter for flavoring
Egg less carrot muffin

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