Finance Magazine

Easter Sunday Job

By Sue15cat
Easter Sunday Job
I dashed out while the skies were blue and the sun was shining to get a couple of photographs of this mornings little job ... filling up the bed LH and Simon made last week with the old sleepers.
Easter Sunday Job
It looked like this at 10am .....
Easter Sunday Job
...and then like this by 12.
We started off with the two trees from the large pots by the front door and then added the contents of all the pots that have stood patiently waiting by the polytunnel for over a year.  There's not a lot to see yet but once the Hostas get bigger the bed will be pretty much filled to capacity.  Any little gaps that seem too big will be filled with some of my small pots of Lavender, the Ariculas or the Primroses from my other pots.
Easter Sunday Job
Meanwhile over by the front door without the two trees in their pots on either side it's looking very bare ...
Easter Sunday Job
... first thing this morning it looked like this!!
Easter Sunday Job
 It made me wonder when we got the two trees that have moved house so many times with us in their various pots, and it turned out that they first made an appearance at our back door at Jointers Farm way back in April 2009.   We will buy a couple of bags of compost and get some replacement little trees for our big green pots next time we pass the local garden center and then start all over again.
Sue xx

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