Dating Magazine

A Key to Their Home and Co-signing Cards Among Top 50 Signs You’re in a ‘serious’ Relationship (INFOGRAPHIC)

By 72point @72hub

Planning a holiday, driving each other’s cars and having a key to your partner’s flat are all signs a relationship has gotten SERIOUS, a new survey has shown. The findings emerged in a study of 2,000 people, revealing the top 50 things which indicate a couple are past the ‘seeing each other’ phase of a relationship.

Posting a ‘loved-up’ photo on Facebook, changing your status to ‘in a relationship’ and being introduced to wider friendships circles also show couples are the ‘real deal.’

While meeting potential in-laws, staying overnight and divulging salary details also show trust and growing love for a partner.

And couples are usually together for just over five months before they deem the relationship to be ‘serious’.

A spokesman for Monarch Airlines who commissioned the study said:

“Dating is a minefield at the best of times, and one of the most confusing and stressful parts about seeing someone new is deciding firstly when you are both comfortable saying you are boyfriend and girlfriend, and then secondly, when that partnership has reached the next level.

“As this survey demonstrates nicely, there are loads of factors which couples take into account before deciding whether their relationship is serious or not.

“It’s no longer just a case of talking about moving in together, marriage and children. There are smaller elements such as when to say I love you, when to stay the night, and when to swap house keys.

“And there are other acts which can show real commitment such as agreeing to spend a week away together or attending family gatherings.

“We are pleased to see that taking a holiday together is the third most popular sign that your relationship is getting serious.

‘”People travel for lots of different reasons but spending time together is one of the most popular.”

The study also highlighted that couples deem a relationship as more serious when they get more comfortable with each other – which means seeing each other without make up, showering together, lounging around the house in pajamas and even discussing intimate health issues.

Other signs that couples are committed to their other half include sharing private details such as pin numbers and passwords.

More soppy people in love will demonstrate how dedicated they are to each other by sending good morning and good night texts, frequently saying “I love you” and posting lovey-dovey pictures of the two of them on Facebook.

Other relationship milestones include meeting the parents, becoming the ‘plus one’ on all invites, seeing each other through an illness and comfortably phoning each other at work.

While others will show how serious they are by buying a dog or cat together, choosing their partner’s favorite foods in the weekly food shop and sharing their friends secrets.

Eight in 10 people firmly believe that when it comes to keeping a partner happy, actions speak far louder than words.

Which is why many couples would prefer for their partner to make smaller gestures such as watching TV shows they like or listening to the same music.

The study also shows two in 10 people knew their current relationship was serious after they planned a holiday together, while 43% said the words “I love you” and the same percentage discussed moving in together.

Indeed two thirds of people polled and in a relationship claimed they felt their first holiday together was a real milestone and demonstrated how committed they were to each other.

Four in 10 people went on a short break together first to make sure they got on well, before making the commitment of spending seven nights or longer in each other’s company.

And when asked how far into a relationship a holiday should be, the average person reckons this should be about seven months in.

The Monarch Airlines spokesman added:

“The indications that a relationship has become serious will be different for every couple. But, booking a holiday or short break together can be a good test of a new relationship.

‘”Others will simply be happy to have a toothbrush at each other’s house and a good night text message.

“What is clear is that relationships are a complex business, and it takes time and effort to create a long lasting and meaningful union.”


1. Meeting the parents
2. Exchanging house keys
3. Planning a holiday together
4. Discussing plans for the future
5. Being invited to family gatherings
6. Saying “I love you”
7. Staying overnight at each other’s houses
8. Signing Christmas / Birthday cards together
9. Seeing each other at least every other night
10. Leaving a toothbrush at each other’s house
11. You tell each other absolutely everything
12. Letting them take care of you when sick
13. Being introduced to wider friendships circles
14. Discussing how many children you might want in the future
15. Buying a dog or cat together
16. Driving each other’s cars
17. Inviting them to a wedding as a date
18. Divulging salary details
19. Letting them know your pin number
20. Discussing holidays
21. Having a drawer at each other’s house
22. When you HYPOTHETICALLY talk about IF you lived together
23. Inviting people round as a couple
24. Having clothes and other belongings at each other’s houses
25. First name terms with their mom and dad
26. Talking about intimate health issues
27. Farting in front of each other
28. Inviting them out with your friends / family
29. Receiving cards or gifts addressed to both of you
30. When you know what each other’s plans are for every single day
31. Showering together
32. Changing Facebook status to ‘in a relationship’
33. You know each other’s passwords
34. Wearing pajamas when you get home from work
35. You share secrets about friends with each other
36. Always being the ‘plus one’ on invites
37. Getting food in your big shop just for them
38. You start watching TV shows they like
39. Phoning each other at work
40. Stop putting make up on to look gloriously fresh before they wake up
41. When they start asking for your opinion on stuff
42. Going out with friends or family without the partner being there
43. Signing off ‘love’ in a card
44. You start listening to music they like
45. You stop seeing people you know they don’t like
46. Putting a photo of the two of you on Facebook
47. Sending good morning / goodnight texts
48. Having a pet name for each other
49. Telling each other how many sexual partners you’ve had
50. When all their friends add you on Facebook

SWLOVE, serious relationship, monarch airlines infographic

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