Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
 The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married

Some people treat their pets like their children. I always remember my dad calling these type of people DINKS (Dual Income, No Kids) but that is not politicly correct, now days these people are just eccentric, playful, slightly odd. But the art of pet marriage still goes on! Yes, people really do marry their pets together, there is whole websites and laws dedicated to it! No long do these people have to hide in shame, their love for their animals is to be celebrated! Because everyone loves a good wedding, no matter what species you are…

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married

BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Love Vs Marriage Jokes


Guinea Pigs Getting Married

Guinea Pigs Getting Married

10 – Guinea pigs

Love is when he yearns for her.
Marriage is when he earns for her

Pigs Getting Married

Pigs Getting Married

9 – Pigs

Love is when you decide to become one.
Marriage is when you try to decide which one.

Swans Getting Married

Swans Getting Married

8 – Swans

Love is when you say you would go through hell for her.
Marriage is hell.

Penguins Getting Married

Penguins Getting Married

7 – Penguins

Love is like one long sweet dream.
Marriage is like an alarm clock.

Rabbits Getting Married

Rabbits Getting Married

6 – Rabbits

Love is when you phone each other just to say Hi.
Marriage is when you phone each other to find out when to pick up the kids.

Horses Getting Married

Horses Getting Married

5 – Horses

Love is sweet nothings in the ear.
Marriage is nothing in the bank.

Monkeys Getting Married

Monkeys Getting Married

4 – Monkeys

Love is talking about having kids.
Marriage is talking of getting a break from the kids.

Ducks Getting Married

Ducks Getting Married

3 – Ducks

Love is holding hands in the street.
Marriage is holding arguments in the street.

Dogs Getting Married

Dogs Getting Married

2 – Dogs

Love is a flickering flame.
Marriage is a flickering TV.

Cats Getting Married

Cats Getting Married

1 – Cats

Love is cuddling on the couch.
Marriage is deciding which couch.


Pervious POST


Filed under: Animals Top 10 Tagged: Birds, Cats, Dogs, Funny, Horses, Jokes
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Animals Getting Married

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