Humor Magazine

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

So far this Easter themed week we have seen Easter animals, gift ideas, ladders and art, but in my opinion not enough Easter chicks. I don’t think it gets much cuter than a load of little, soft, yellow chicks chirping all over the place.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks


The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Chocolate Krispie chick

10 – Krispies

Don’t you just want to bite its head off!? Well I know I do and the simple and fun recipe and making guide in the image link means we could all have a go at making them. Yummy!

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Easter Chick Cake Pops

9 – Cake Pops

They might not have made it into my post “Top 10 Cake Pops” but that doesn’t mean they are not any less amazing because they are indeed just that. Made originally by bakerella, I couldn’t find any making guide or recipe. But the basic cake pop design is almost the same thing. Only the outside needs a little more thought.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Fun Chick Sandwiches

8 – Sandwiches

Are these just the cutest sandwiches you have ever seen? Well I thought they were, and the good news is that the making guide in the image link can help you to make your own.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Chocolate Easter Chick

7 – Chocolate

I might seem like the stuff of a professional Easter egg maker, but there is a crazy guide in the image link that teaches you in the form of step by step images how to make your very own Easter Egg Chick! Yes this is a full sized Easter egg, made to look like a chick! The guide is well worth looking at even if you don’t like the chick, just make an egg instead.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Fat Easter chick cake

6 – Cake

It might look like something a designer cake maker might offer you to buy in their shop for more than a family night out watching an Easter related film in the cinema, but there is in fact a fantastic step by step image guide on how to make it yourself! It is not often you find a cake of this quality with a making guide at all, so I hope you enjoy it.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Easter Chick Macaroons

5 – Macaroons

These rather tasty looking lemon curd macaroon chicks requite a little bit of food art skill to make, but thanks to the fantastic step by step, image driven making guide they could be well worth a go.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Toasted Bread Chicks

4 – Toasted bread

These rather healthy looking chicks are made using toasted bread circles, topped with mayonnaise, steamed corn kernels, olives and tomatoes, There is no making guide in the image link, but I just told you all the ingredients to make you own anyway.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Crazy Chicken Cupcakes

3 – Cupcakes

As you might expect, there are loads of Easter Chick cupcakes out there, but I felt that these ones raised the bar on perfection so high that no-one will ever get close to it. Made with not 1, but 2 cakes and some funny effect eyes for a some added smiles they are as perfect as I have ever seen. No recipe or making guide, but who cares, their amazing.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Coconut Chick Cake Balls

2 – Coconut Balls

These do sound really tasty, but what I really liked was the fluffy effect of the coconut shavings! They really give it a little edge that sounds out from the rest.  Well love for them aside there is a full step-by-step image guide to make them in the image link.

The World’s Top 10 Best Ideas for Edible Easter Chicks

Deviled Egg Chicks for Easter

1 –  Deviled Eggs

They might have the word “Devil” in the title, but there is nothing evil looking or indeed tasting about these amazing little Egg Chicks. I have seen many a Pinterest fail of people making these so maybe they are a lot harder to make than they look. But at least there is a full recipe and making guide in the image link for us to try at least.


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