Creativity Magazine

The Stargazer’s Guide To Success

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

A short post inspired by a coincidence.

A recent assignment included a “star” illustration to depict 5 key elements in performance art: body (who), action (what), effort (how), space (where), relationship (connection to people or things).

It’s a good example of the effectiveness of a very spare and simple infographic.

The Stargazer’s Guide To Success

Here’s the coincidence: those same 5 words can also be used to describe 5 keys to success in today’s business world.

They apply to designers and other freelance contractors (illustrators like myself).

They also apply to marketers (a majority of my clients), and just about anyone else trying to run a successful business.

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1. Body: You’ve got to take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep. Don’t let the job steal away your health.

2. Action: As in be proactive. Get the training you need. Practice. Learn new things. Market yourself: research prospective clients before reaching out to them.

3. Effort: “If you don’t get what you want, it’s a sign either that you did not seriously want it, or that you tried to bargain over the price.” –Rudyard Kipling, writer

4. Space: As in cyberspace. Nobody just buys anything anymore. They do online research. You’ve got to have a web presence and a digital strategy.

5. Relationship: Build trust. Create content that demonstrates your expertise. Promote it on social media sites. Personalize emails and connection requests.

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Care to suggest a sixth principle for success? Please leave a comment.

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