Fashion Magazine

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Pin

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

The Hunger Games Mockingjay PinThe pin is constructed of sterling silver and plated in 22kt gold that was aged with patina for the films. The pin’s significance to the trilogy is enormous and as the tale unfolds the mockingjay (and Katniss’s pin) become an integral part of the plot. Schneider understood the importance of the design & the pin’s integrity and designed it to withstand the rigorous action sequences the film depicts.

Katniss Pin Action, katniss, Hunger Games, mockingjay pin, mockingjay, pin, katniss everdeen, the hunger games, jewelry

via InStyle

According to Schneider, “the pin had to be strong, but look genuine, antique, and delicate.” She also went on to explain that “In all the movies I work on, I want to do the best I can to bring characters to life…I’ve read all three of the books. When Judianna Makovsky, the costume designer for the film, first mentioned The Hunger Games, I knew how important the Mockingjay pin was.”

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Cover, hunger games, the hunger games, katniss, mockingjay, mockingjaypin, book cover

Katniss's Mockingjay pin as depicted by the cover of The Hunger Games

Author Suzanne Collins describes in detail the pin that Katniss wears, the Mockingjay it depicts and exactly what it means, and Schneider’s creation brings the imaginary symbol to life.

To read the entire story, and find out why Dana Schneider is a leading lady in her own right when it comes to Hollywood jewelry, visit JCK’s website here.

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