Destinations Magazine

Take Care of Your Lady Bits with pH Care Feminine Wipes!

By Ethel Merioles @kaxmerio

pH Care Cool Wind Feminine Wipe Sheet

Who said women can't get anymore OC when it comes to personal grooming and hygiene? Just when you thought that things can't get any better than regular cleansing/douching/whathaveyou, feminine hygiene manufacturers have launched feminine wipes! Enter pH Care Feminine Wipes, the handy dandy wet wipes for that special place. pH care knows how to maintain the natural acidity of women's lady bits, and so the introduction of feminine wipes some time ago is obviously a welcome addition to women's extensive bathroom toiletries collection! pH Care Cool Wind Feminine Wipes After all, feminine hygiene is of utmost importance to every woman who wants to keep yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and other reproductive system infections at bay (as if there's someone with nary a care in the world about personal hygiene--which I doubt). I'm sure a lot of women have already been subject to emergency situations where wet wipes are absolutely necessary! Pros What's great about the Cool Wind variant is that it contains an ingredient that somehow provides a cooling sensation after use. So aside from gently cleansing your nether regions, it keeps you feeling fresh and clean even after a long day at work or at play. pH Care Cool Wind Feminine Wipes Freshness Seal pH Care Cool Wind Feminine Wipes Size Each sheet is thick and soft enough so it won't scratch, and it also contains a mild, non-irritating and all natural plant based surfactant to help thoroughly clean. Size is good, too! Heck, women can even use just a couple of sheets to thoroughly wipe their butt! pH Care Cool Wind Feminine Wipe Sheet Best thing about it? It's a hypo-allergenic product that's safe to use everyday and only costs around Php 30 (depending on where you bought the item) per pack! Cons Can't think of any right now! Quality 5 out of 5 stars Convenience 5 out of 5 stars Price 4 out of 5 stars (a bit pricey, but still within budget) Rating 4.5 out of 5 stars pH Care Feminine Wipes are manufactured in Thailand by a subsidiary of Unilab. Let's follow the company on Twitter, especially since their products, like the Asian Secrets line, are great!

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