Self Expression Magazine

Smooth Ride

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Smooth Ride

classic bedroom style with set of pillows on bed with tray of tea cup, interior design decoration concept

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On Wednesday morning, when I left home from Queens, the weather was nice in my location- warm, a mild sunny reflection.

In a car heading on the expressway, I enjoyed the sounds of jazz that played on the radio- including a favorite jazzy Earth, Wind & Fire tune- Beijo (the Brazilian theme) that played.

Once I arrived in Lake Success/New Hyde Park long Island, I noticed a dull orange tint to the environment along with a strong smoky odor.

The weather was still nice, regardless, yet there was no sun out at all. It appeared as if it would rain but there was no hint of precipitation that ever occurred.

The next day, Thursday, I worked out in Valley Stream long Island and the day was clear. When I awoke, I had totally forgotten about the atmosphere the day before even while news broadcasts were advising people not to go out unless they had to due to the danger within the air from the Canada wildfire flames.

It was clear, sunny and warm in Valley Stream.

Everything seems back to normal to me.

Yesterday I worked again in New Hyde Park. I listened to jazz again on the car radio as I had a ride back into Nassau.

I enjoyed the wind blowing in my face from the window as I rode through the expressway- so peaceful and serene.

I was supposed to take a bus ride into Valley Stream again for work this weekend (both for Saturday and Sunday) as I did on Thursday.

However, I decided not to. I am going to relax this weekend. I deserve it.

Smooth Ride

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