Lifestyle Magazine

Quaratine Update

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I hope quarantine is going well for you. I’ve been working from home, so my days haven’t changed too much. I have finished my story and now I’m editing it. That’s the hard part. I don’t want to get rid of some of the words because I love them, but I must because well you know. 😊

We must kill our little darlings, right? 😉

Enough about that, though. Today, I’d like to tell you about what I’ve been watching during quarantine. The first is an amazing series hubby and I have been binge-watching. It’s titled “Killing Eve” and it’s about an assassin and the task force who’s trying to catch her. For a dark story there’s lots of humor and you can’t help but like the assassin even though she’s a psychopath. Let’s face it, she’s not all bad.

Quaratine Update

Then there’s Eve, the woman trying to track her down. Eve is the investigator on the case who’s trying to track down the person behind all the seemingly random deaths. During the chase, we see Eve’s dark side emerging and the attraction between Villanelle (the assassin) and Eve is undeniable. You can’t stop watching. Will Eve catch Villanelle? Will Eve’s dark side take over before she catches Villanelle? Will she cross over to Villanelle’s side? These are all questions that need answers, so you have to keep watching.

The next series is near and dear to my heart because it was written by the same writers who wrote “Breaking Bad.” I loved that show. I loved watching the transformation of Walter White. This next series, I’ve spoken of before and it’s called “Better Call Saul.” There’s a new season upon us and it’s a great show.

Quaratine Update

It’s the story of Saul Goodman the lawyer from “Breaking Bad.” He’s trying to be a good guy, but in the end, he ends up being kind of a shyster lawyer. He’s always on the fringe of the law. It’s a great story because it gives you the backstory to some of the main characters in “Breaking Bad” like Gus and Mike. It’s fun to see Jimmy or “Saul” get into scrapes and what he does to get out of them. If you need some entertainment during quarantine and you like great writing and fleshed out characters, then “Better Call Saul” is for you.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I hope you’re doing well during quarantine. If you can recommend a series to binge watch, please do. I’m always looking for a new series to keep me occupied during quarantine. It keeps me from doing housework! 😉

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