Destinations Magazine

QMap – A Field Data Collection Program Using QGIS

By T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon
January 6, 2016

QMap - A field data collection program using QGIS

QMap – A field data collection program using QGIS

QMap is a field data collection application built using QGIS and python plugins. It is very similar to QGIS but with an interface that makes it easier for most people to use for data collection in the field and was designed to work with windows based tablet devices. Custom forms are built using Qt Designer and follows a convention based approach in order to save configuration. The application also supports QGIS project files (.qgs) so that you can easily use it with  your QGIS  desktop mapping projects.

To download the application or get more info about QMap go to

By canadiangisFiled in: Data & Software, Free Data & SoftwareTags: data collection, download, field data, free, Python, QGIS, QMap

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