Food & Drink Magazine

Pumpkin Steamed Cake(Fa Gao) 金瓜发糕

By Vivianpangkitchen @vivianpangkitch
Pumpkin Steamed Cake(Fa Gao) 金瓜发糕 Pin It
Fa Gao is usually seen during Chinese New Year especially for praying. ‘Fa’(发), the Chinese word is synonymous with wealth and prosperity. It symbolise bringing good fortune. Fa Gao with orangey color signify good luck! This steamed cake is not only nice to see but also nice to eat. Besides pumpkin, coconut milk, egg and palm sugar are added too. I would say is kind of nutritious and fragrant steamed cake.
 Pumpkin Steamed Cake(Fa Gao) 金瓜发糕 Recipe adapted from快乐厨房 Ingredients: (A) Starter 50g all-purpose flour 50ml water 1 teaspoon instead yeast
(B) 50ml water 90g palm sugar (gula melaka)
320g all-purpose flour 2 teaspoon double action baking powder
200g pumpkin puree (steamed and mashed) 100ml coconut milk 1 egg
Methods: 1. Mix all the starter ingredients and set aside for ½ hour to rest.
2. Prepare palm sugar syrup by adding diced palm sugar into water. Bring to simmer till all sugar melt. Strain and leave to cool. 
3. In a mixer, put in cool palm sugar syrup, pumpkin puree, coconut milk and egg. Mix till well combine. Set aside.
4. In a big bowl, sift in all-purpose flour and double action baking powder. Make a well in the center.
5. Pour in palm sugar mixture from step 3 together with starter. Fold till well incorporated.
6. Pour batter into lined paper cups till 90% full. Set aside to rest for 15 minutes.
7. Bring water to rapid boil. Place the proof batter cups into steamer and steam at high heat for 15 minutes.
Pumpkin Steamed Cake(Fa Gao) 金瓜发糕
I am submitting this post toChinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover

After all the marathon blog posting (almost every day !) is time to pack  and ‘Balik Kampung’. I will take a break for Chinese New Year celebration. 

Wishing all friends and readers a Great Prosperous Chinese New Year and Happy Holidays! 恭喜发财,福贵花 事事顺利,蛇年行好运!

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