Lifestyle Magazine

Please Welcome Author Lisa Fender!

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1
Lisa Fender

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I know we’ve been friends on Facebook for quite a while, so it will be great to get to know it each other a little better since we are kindred spirits in the writing world.

1. Tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to start writing?

I’ve always wanted to write a novel, since I was a little girl. I fell in love with books at about the age of 5 and knew it would be something I would accomplish one day. When I was laid off in 2009, along with half the population in America, I thought now would be a good time to start writing. I had tinkered with it a little bit, but once I had no excuse, I wrote my first manuscript in about 3 months.

Girl Writing on the Sofa

2. How do you handle writer’s block?

I had never experienced true writer’s block until this year. Actually, I am still fighting it, but pushing myself to do it. I think it’s the combination of Covid, my husband’s ongoing health problems, and the loss of one of my critique partners at the beginning of the year. Not to death, but to her

deciding to not do it anymore. As we all know, this year has been a tough one. I have gone weeks without writing in some instances, and others, I have pounded out a chapter. It’s really weird to go through.

3. What words of wisdom can you give other writers?

Always work to better your craft. We are a work in progress. We should want to excel in our talents and work toward putting out a clean, tight, novel. Learn the creative writing skills – they are important. And remember, corrective criticism is there to help you. Oh, and always have a critique partner.


4. What inspired you to write your series?

Well, I love reading series – I never want to story to end. And my main character, Stevie, needed to get her whole story out. I’ve always enjoyed fantasy fiction, and I am fascinated with all things ‘Alien’. So I combined the two.

5. Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I started out as a panster and learned my lesson when I self-published my first book and found two mistakes that a reader would have caught. I had to fix them and republish. When you are writing a large series, like mine, you have a lot to remember. It is best to keep track so that you don’t write that one of your characters drives a Chevy Blazer, then suddenly a Jeep Cherokee. Little things like that can screw up a good book.

6. What is your favorite part of the publishing process?

When you see it all come together and you actually hold your book in your hands. The second, my fans. I might not have hundreds, but the ones I do have are loyal and love my books. That means the world to me.

7. What is your go-to snack when you’re writing?

I love mocha lattes! I don’t usually eat while I’m writing. The few times that I have, it’s been chocolate.

A vertical high angle closeup shot of espresso coffee in a white ceramic coffee cup on wooden surface

8. Do you have a favorite place to write?

I write in my living room, a paragraph at a time – and usually by hand. Then I transfer the work to my desktop in my office. My eyes don’t like looking at the computer screen for more than an hour, so it works better to do it this way.

9. What are you working on now?

I am at the very end of my 6th book. It is the first half of the last book in the Lorn Prophecy Series. All of my books have been large, so when I started writing this one, I know it would be over 1000 pages. I decided to cut it in half and have a part one and part two. I am at the end of part one.

10. What do you like to read?

I love several different genres, but read a lot of fantasy to keep my mind focused on my own genre. But I do read mystery, international espionage, and historical fiction. I really don’t like reading non-fiction too much. I get enough of that in newspapers and online articles. When I relax and want to read, I want to be taken away from life’s everyday stresses.

Thanks for being a guest Lisa! It was great to get to know you a little better. Below are Lisa’s book covers and links. Check them out if you have a young reader who likes fantasy!

Fable: Book 1 of The Lorn Prophecy by [Lisa Fender, Toni Burns, Susan Uttendorfsky]
Lore: Book 2 of The Lorn Prophecy by [Lisa Fender, Karla Horst, Michael Mc Fadden]
Tale (The Lorn Prophecy Book 3) by [Lisa Fender, Michael McFadden]
Myth: Book 4 of The Lorn Prophecy by [Lisa Fender, Michael McFadden]


Writing Blog

Fable – Book 1 of The Lorn Prophecy

Fated – Book 1 of The Djenrye Chronicles

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