Diaries Magazine

Packing 101

By Ian_delapena
So you have booked that low fare flight a hotel and your itinerary is all set, all you need to do now is pack your things for that much awaited vacation.
I used to be panicky when it comes to packing things up. I would pack loads of clothes and accessories that are meant for events that could possibly happen.... up there in my head.
Oh yeah I pack like crazy whenever I go out of town, Until I had a life changing experience came to me. I started to be more carefree and adventurous but not to a point of irresponsibility.
Since then I was able to make a formula on how to make my checklist. Let me share them to you.
1. Know where you are going
Research on the weather of he place that you are going to specially if it is out of the country. If it is domestic better check your local weather forecast to make sure that you can bring the right set of clothes.
2. Activity list
It would really help you make your checklist if you write down what are the activities that you are scheduled to do during your trip. From this list you can now make your checklist of things to pack by listing down what are the things that you would be needing.
3. Make that checklist
List all essentials first like your tooth brush, deodorant shampoo and soap you wouldn't want to share on someone else's stuff right?  And remember the activity list that you made? list down the what clothes you would want to wear on these activities.
4. Extra clothes
I only bring two extra shirt and a pair of pants since I wear shorts most of the time whenever I travel. For footwear if I am travelling via air I wear flip flops or slip-ons. I would refer to my activity list before I'd bring a rubber shoes. If one of my activities would require a lot of running and walking I'd definitely bring one.
Jacket - I always bring a jacket. If you know how to properly use your jacket it can serve you so much more than just warming you up. I use my jacket to protect me also from the sun and rain by putting it over me. But more often, I use it as a blanket when I sleep on long trips in air conditioned buses.
These are are the basic things that I keep in mind whenever I pack my things. I try to make sure that I only bring one backpack for everything that  I need.
Packing tip bonus: when packing your clothes don't put them in your bag the same way that you would when you are folding them for your closet. Roll your clothes so that they may take up lesser and more compact space. It will also lessen the possibility of your clothes getting more wrinkles.

Packing 101

how to roll clothes when packing from goeurope.about.com

Here's an article that I find helpful: http://www.ehow.com/how_4868310_roll-clothing-packing.html
So what is your packing secret?

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