Politics Magazine

New Poll Shows Harris Got A Bump From The Debate

Posted on the 01 July 2019 by Jobsanger
New Poll Shows Harris Got A Bump From The Debate New Poll Shows Harris Got A Bump From The Debate
The talking heads on MSNBC (who held the first Democratic debates) has been raving for a couple of days now about who did well in those debates and who didn't. They especially heaped praise on Kamala Harris.
And the first post-debate poll shows that Harris did seem to help herself. The survey was the Morning Consult Poll, which was done starting after the Thursday debate and continuing through the next day (Friday). They questioned 2,407 registered voters who said they would vote in the Democratic Primary, and their poll has a margin of error of 2 points.
In Morning Consult's last weekly poll, Harris has registered a weak 6% support. In this poll, that had risen to 12% -- putting her in a tie for third place with Elizabeth Warren. Harris still has a long way to go before challenging for the lead, but the debate has made her relevant again. She had been languishing far behind. Will the poll bump last? We'll just have to see.
MSNBC also praised the performances of Amy Klobuchar and Julian Castro, but that doesn't seem to have helped them. Both are still inhabiting nowhere land (registering only 1% support).

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