Fashion Magazine

Inspired Wardrobe: Skeeter from The Help

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

This is probably being done to death on fashion blogs- but I’m not a fashion blog and I haven’t read any lately so I don’t actually know, or care either way.  Because right now I wanna talk about the vintage dresses I fell in love with when seeing The Help the other day.

Inspired Wardrobe: Skeeter from The Help

I should start by saying that I am expressing my light-hearted views about the film in this post.  I absolutely loved this movie and would recommend that everybody see it, but focusing on fashion in a film like this would be sorely missing the point.  And I definitely did not miss the point.

The main character, Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan is a college graduate coming home to the town where she grew up.  She wants to be a writer and is not drawn to the Southern Belle lifestyle that her childhood friends have so easily grown into.  And her attire shows it.  While her friends are all making bouffant dresses from their McCalls patterns, Skeeter’s style is all about 60′s career wear.

Right off the bat I knew I would like this Chick.

Skeeter Drives into Jackson in The Help Movie

Probably my favorite outfit of the whole movie, this is the dress she wears to interview for her first writing gig.

Skeeter's writer outfit from The Help with jacket

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The color, the fabric, the fringe detail and collar on the cropped coat…but even better is when she took off the coat to meet with the society gals.

Skeeter with Society Girls at Bridge

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Another formal favorite was this.

Career dress for Skeeter in The Help

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I love the monochrome palette in her wardrobe, played up with cute details like that button pocket.  Notice how the buttons on the top and skirt are different, seems a little daring for such a conservative time don’t you think?

For more casual scenes, she still kept things simple.  The sheer, almost seersucker pattern and the tie collar make me love this piece.  And it looks comfortable, especially for a hot Southern summer.  I would wear this dress anywhere.

Skeeter Promo Dress The Help Movie

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Skeeter in Promo Pictures for The Help

A few more, just for good measure.

Skeeter Interviews Aibileen

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Skeeter Talking with Aibileen

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Skeeter and Aibileen the Help

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