Marketing & Advertising Magazine

How To Get Free Facebook Traffic- Get 120 Daily Leads

Posted on the 05 August 2017 by David Mark @Ataghan_micheal
The method I want to show you today will not help you to win a lottery but is gonna provide you away to make money, generate traffic and meet a new friend at the same time, is about building a relationship and turn those relationships into buying customer, what I want to teach you today is free and it depends on your effort, your reward is gonna determine by your effort, if you just sit down doing nothing then don't expect any result.
Free Facebook Traffic

But if you are kind of person that gets up each day ready to reach your Goal then this post will generate you 120 leads every day, it does for me, I get at least 115 new emails every day. You don't need an auto poster to connect this facebook group, that is an additional cost for some people, so let do this for free.

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This's something I do three times a day, I do it in morning like 6 o'clock, and I also do it around 1:00 pm and 7 o'clock at night. I post to 24 group every day, you have to do these if you want to have a consistent sale in your business, it might not be the same time like mine but try to post daily.

The curious things about this- is the name of your group, the type of group you are posting in, I use different group depend on the business am promoting. I join many groups where people are looking for a way to make money. they are trying to generate extra cash and that is why my post gives them another opportunity to look into what am doing especially when it doesn't cost them any money because obviously, they are looking for money.

Here is how it work

1. Facebook allows you to post to many groups very quickly,

So do this, just move your mouse on the name of the group and right click then you will see the drop down box open up, now take your mouse and left click open link in new tab.

How To Get Free Facebook Traffic-  Get 120 daily leads

you will see the open page in a new tab, just scroll down and do the same for many groups as you can, you can open 10 to 12 window but it depends on how fast your internet is running.

2. I have something inside my ads that get my message directly to people. 

You need great ads that will get them attention, some of my group has about 17,000 members and I will post to 26 group which is probably half a million people, that is a lot of eye ball looking at what I do. Don't waste your time in those group that has 1000 to 2000 members, it wouldn't do you any good.

How To Get Free Facebook Traffic-  Get 120 daily leads

I just post the ads and you can add an image if you want. But The Call To Action that I want you to notices in the ads is the Follow me..... Then Message Me For Information

Not everyone on Facebook group will be interested in your business but the people who send you a message just to learn more about your offer is your target audience, so you need to make sure you don't let go of them.

the reason I put follow and the message me is that when they come to my page and click follow and then they message me, chances are they are really interested in what am going to offer and I will do everything to get them to my business and also make a new friend with them. Remember is about building relationship and turn those relationships into buying customer

That is how I generate my Lead from Facebook and if you can post to 25 group maybe 2 to 3 times a day, you will definitely get a great result.

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