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How to Create a Custom WordPress Login Page

Posted on the 12 August 2013 by Babanature @proudlyonenaija

We all know that WordPress community is among one of the most largest communities and they keep increasing by the day :) . WordPress is widely popular with bloggers because of the features and the immense choices it offers to users. WordPress allows flexibility and easy customization to its users and they even offer access to a wide variety of products to their users for free.

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It is always fun and exciting to have numbers of subscribers on our website, right?If you are a WordPress user, you will know that they provide all their users with one “default” login page with  where your users can register in your website. But wouldn’t it feel good to go a step ahead and create a custom login page? Yep, you can do that as well!


In this post, i am going to show you how to go about doing the same, without playing with your codes or working too hard.

How to Create a Custom WordPress Login page

You can create a Custom WordPress Login Page different from the “wp-admin.php” by using a Plugin called Theme My Login.

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What does this plugin actually do? It redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role, Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery, It allows you to create a custom login page and also allows your users to receive regular updates from your WordPress website. However, we all know that – creating a Custom WordPress Login Page makes your website standout.

As the first step towards installing this plugin, download it from After that has been done successfully,  install it by uploading it from the Plugin Management System. Once the Plugin gets uploaded, activate it. You can now see that the Login pages have been created.

This is a very powerful Plugin which gives you numerous options and as we continue, we shall be discussing the options and how to use them


In order to configure the Plugin, go to your WordPress admin panel >>> Click “Settings” >>> Click “Theme My Login”. And you will see something like the image below

Each module has a list of functions which can be extended to various levels. The basic tab has several functions which makes you include a Page ID in WP-LOGIN file and also allows your registered users to sign in to your website by using their Email address. This Plugin also assists you in editing the CSS of your login page for further customization of your website. Each module represents each function which you can extend for your needs. They are discussed as follows,


Custom Email and Password

This module allows initializing custom email for your website. It also allows you to configure custom email for your WordPress website. Not only Custom email address, you can also initialize and enable the custom passwords for your user accounts.

Custom Themed Profile

By using this option, you can easily modify your users profile and you can provide custom themed profile for your users.

Custom User Links

This Plugin also allows you to create a custom user link for your users. By enabling the check box, you can provide user links for your users.

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This Plugin also provides various functions as Custom User Moderation, Custom Security Menu, and Custom Redirection for your WordPress Website. Based upon your need, you can enable or disable the extra features you need or don’t need. Not only this options, Theme My Plugin allows you to add login components in the sidebar widgets, footer widgets and other widget areas. This makes you to login into your website without directly entering your login page.

Me: One best thing i love about this plugin is, it helps minimize the risk of hacking by changing your default login url from; “” to “” (or which ever name you think of


Over To You

It looks like i have said so much about so much on my today’s topic, now it’s time to pass the ball to your table


What do you think about this little but powerful plugin? Let us know by using the comment box below…

Have you ever for once use “theme my login”? If yes, what was your experience like? Please do let us know by using the comment box below…

If you do not know about the plugin, you can still make a comment, ask question(s) or do drop your thoughts by using the comment box below. Remember that your questions, comments and thoughts are highly welcomed and much appreciated.

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