Food & Drink Magazine

How I Cured My Hypertension in 30 Days Without Dieting

By Chuck Underwood @brandnewvegan

I’ve been doing something a little differently these last 30 days, and because of it I have lost 18.5 pounds and finally normalized my blood pressure – without any meds. I’m writing this post to show you exactly How I Cured My Hypertension in 30 Days Without Dieting.

how i cured my hypertension

I won’t go into a lot of details (not right now anyway), but before this Covid-19 went into full-blown panic mode like it is now, I had my own personal health-scare.

A wake-up call if you will. Actually, more like a wake-up slap in the face.

It certainly got my attention, that’s for sure, and I realized right then and there that I was going to have to make some changes. That was February 25, and since then – the results have been nothing short of amazing.

For starters, when they weighed me in the Emergency Room, I weighed 206 lbs. Yeah, I’ll admit that I was overweight for my height of 6′ 0″. But I was eating a plant-based, no-oil diet, so I was good.

Or so I thought.

But my blood pressure that day was 174/105 – so all was NOT good. Granted I was anxious because I was in the ER, but still – those were crazy high numbers.

Now I have previously lost weight and lowered my blood pressure as I have mentioned in this article How I Lowered My Blood Pressure Naturally With A Mary’s Mini Diet.

But for any of you who have actually done a Mary’s Mini, it’s not the easiest thing to stick to for 10 days straight. I mean I love potatoes, but after 3 or 4 days? Yeah, not so much. In other words, to me, it just wasn’t sustainable. My hats off to those of you who can do it.

And, as many of you have previously asked, “What happens when you go off the Mary’s Mini? Do you regain the weight?” In my case, yes. And obviously, my blood pressure went right back up too.

So this time I knew I had to do something different. As I said, that was 30 days ago and I’m here to tell you this time, it worked as I have maintained the weight loss and normalized my blood pressure – without any meds at all.

Here’s how I did it.

How I Cured My Hypertension in 30 Days Without Dieting

How I Cured My Hypertension in 30 Days Without DietingDr. Michael Klaper, M.D.

That’s exactly right Dr. Klaper, it was the food. And all I did was change the way I was eating and start moving my body more.


Before I get into the food, let me just say that I did start exercising more as that is important too. We have got to have some kind of physical activity every single day. We can NOT be couch potatoes (or in my case, office chair potatoes).

Get out and walk. Right now we’re all quarantined, so what else do we have to do? It doesn’t have to be far, just get out and move. I walk my neighborhood (with some steep inclines) every single day (rain or shine) for at least 30 minutes.

It burns calories, gets your heart rate up, and lowers stress. Start with whatever you can do, and gradually try to do more every week.


And now – the food.

I know some of you might be asking, “But Chuck. You were already eating a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet? And you’re right. I was. For the most part, I was pretty much living on the recipes I post here to this blog.

As I said “for the most part” – like maybe 99% of the time.

But that other 1%…..

I was also including things in my diet that I shouldn’t have. Maybe not a lot, maybe not very often, but nevertheless, things I should have removed from my diet a long time ago.

Below is a list of what I removed.

Some of you won’t like it. Some of you will argue. Whatever. This is exactly what I removed from my diet.

The only thing I changed!

And I now have the scale readings and blood pressure numbers to prove it made a difference.

  • Nuts – Yes, even cashew sauces
  • Seeds – With the exception of Flax on my oatmeal
  • Nut butter – No Peanut Butter, and PBJs were my favorite snack.
  • Seed butter – No Tahini
  • Vegan butter – It was rare – but occasionally I’d have it on my toast
  • Veganaise – Again – this was rare but now it’s gone completely
  • Beer & Wine – Nothing but calories
  • Vegan cheese – My wife likes it – so it was always in my fridge
  • Tofu – Good for you sure, but it IS calorie-dense
  • Restaurants – once a week my guilty pleasure was a trip to my favorite Mexican Restaurant for Vegan Burritos & Margaritas. Can you say salt, oil, and sugar? No more.
  • Veggie Burgers & Fries – Again if it’s from a restaurant – it’s guaranteed to be full of grease. Even those Impossible or Beyond things in the store – avoid them like you would this virus if you want to lose weight.

Bottom line? And I KNOW you have heard this before?

“The Fat You Eat Is The Fat You Wear”

Dr. John Mcdougall

That’s really what it comes down to.

I eliminated ALL the calorie-dense foods I used to eat. Not 80%. Not 90%. Not 99.9999%


My weight this morning was 187.5 (and still dropping) and my blood pressure was 113/77. And I stopped taking my Losartan (blood pressure meds) exactly 2 weeks ago.

It works.

I know you’ve heard this before, but you have got to do this 100% if you want to see dramatic results like mine. No exceptions.

What Do I Eat Now?

Whole foods, all plant-based. No fake foods. No processed foods. No restaurant foods. No fatty, greasy, imitation foods.


Potatoes, carrots, rice, beans, corn, veggies, greens, and bread. Yes, I eat bread and I am still losing weight. There is oil-free bread out there you can buy – or you can simply make your own. I make my gravy and cheese sauce to pour over everything. Stir-frys, pasta, soups, stews.

Real food cooked at home.

We may have been quarantined 2 weeks ago, but we have been eating good, and I am still losing weight.

I think it’s pretty obvious right now that the hospital is the last place we want to be. If my little incident had happened this week? Or last? I would have been right there in the thick of it.

The absolute best thing we can all do right now, to hopefully prevent this thing, is to take care of ourselves at home. Eat right and exercise. Eat clean, like I did, and watch the pounds melt away and the blood pressure drop.

If you haven’t already – come visit us over at my BNV Community Facebook Group where I’ll be Live-Streaming, answering any questions you may have.

See ya there.


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