Creativity Magazine

Get The Most Out Of Your WordPress Sidebar: Embed A Tweet

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

I had a wonderful surprise recently: my LinkedIn connection, weight control expert Lori Boxer, shared a post of mine on LinkedIn. You can include a comment when you share a post, and Lori included a doozy. Then she tweeted it multiple times.blank vertical space, 32 pixels highGet The Most Out Of  Your WordPress Sidebar: Embed A Tweet

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You don’t get that kind of ringing testimonial every day. Wowzer.
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Brands succeed when they have social proof: client testimonials and the word-of-mouth advertising that comes from happy customers. Social proof is invaluable because it’s user-generated content, volunteered by others, not yourself.

The problem of course, is getting it seen. We’re all drowning in a sea of content. Brands need to come up with creative ways to promote their social proof.

I remembered that you can embed tweets on WordPress. I’d never done it before, but it’s easy. I embedded Lori’s tweet in my sidebar by following the steps in this helpful post.

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Shortly thereafter, a Twitter connection, British voice over artist Hannah Fox, retweeted another post of mine.

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Get The Most Out Of  Your WordPress Sidebar: Embed A Tweet

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I decided to embed that, too. The great thing about an embedded tweet: it stays “live,” meaning that all the links in the tweet remain active. A blog visitor can click on the embedded tweet and read the post that was shared in the tweet.

Here’s a screenshot of the two embedded tweets in my sidebar (they’re underneath the portfolio thumbnails). I took the screenshot from this post featuring me and my pal
Gus the Sarcophagus.

Get The Most Out Of  Your WordPress Sidebar: Embed A Tweet
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Get The Most Out Of  Your WordPress Sidebar: Embed A Tweet

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