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Fresh Wedding Details

By Thedreamery

As wedding season begins to , there’s always a desire to make your special day just that, “special” and unique. Trends come and go just as fast as the season does, but there are many ways to incorporate fresh new and creative details that will make your wedding stand out from all the rest. From bold color pairings to thoughtful parting gifts to new traditional wedding bands, the following take the ever common ideas which seem to be less innovation, and add some character back into wedding details.

Fresh Wedding Details...Garlands

1. I’m a sucker for a lovely draped garland, but think beyond beautiful paper with sayings. Go gorgeous with a few strands of glass bubbles and votives that will last throughout the night outdoors. String fresh spring blooms and hang above each table or throughout special reception areas for a stunning statement. {Glass bubble garland image}

Fresh Wedding Details...Flower Garlands

Flower Garland

2. Whether you consider yourself a foodie or not, put some extra attention in the way your food is presented to guests. Have your decor flow onto buffets and beverage stations, or experiment with the hottest trend in serving comfort foods in this hands free way. {See more food serving ideas here}

Fresh Wedding Details...Serving foods trends

Individual salads in teacups

3. Make use of the natural surroundings and your environment, even if your Spring wedding is indoors. Hang ribbons with heirloom family photos onto a nearby tree so guests mingle, or bring the outdoors inside by creating a garden for place cards. {See more garden inspiration here}

Fresh Wedding Details...Nature Inspired

Photos on trees

Fresh Wedding Details...Nature Inspired
Garden Place Card setting

4. Settings with style will make guests feel special. To compliment the fresh feel of the season, place napkins wrapped in fragrant herbs, a single stem rose,  designating one type for women and the other for men.

Fresh Wedding Details...Personal table settings
Rose and Blue setting

5. Keep guests refreshed by amping up the flavor or boring water or juices. Get creative with herbs and vegetables, like rosemary and lemon, or mango and papaya.

Fresh Wedding Details...Ways to Serve Water
Charming Ways to Serve Water

Fresh Wedding Details...Peach Lemonade
Peach Lemonade

6. Colors aren’t anything fresh, but I’ve been seeing bold color combinations popping up that really bring a freshness to weddings, my favorite at the moment being fuchsia and indigo. Tone down this pairing by using a light chambray and pastel pinks. When working within the same color palette, mixing patterns and textures becomes easier, like this season’s lovely trend of pairing denim with rose hued ombre tulle. Take it a step further, and have your servers dress  match with an inexpensive colored ties.

Fresh Wedding Details..Fuchsia and Indigo
Fuchsia and Indigo scheme
Fresh Wedding Details...Chambray and Pink

Chambray and Peach

7. Amplify your bridal look with bold colors and accessories. Reinvent the traditional “something blue” and colored gown. Remember to stick to classic silhouettes and styles, while delicate lace will make the look even more romantic. For bolder bride, the easiest way to make a statement is using inspiration from current Spring fashion trends, like crop tops. 

Fresh Wedding Details..Elizabeth Fillmore

 ”Josephine” by Elizabeth Fillmore 

Fresh Wedding Details...Bold bride looks

Crop top dress and smokey makeup

Fresh Wedding Details..Susan Hanover jewelry
Deep Blue crown jewels by Susan Hanover

8. Make gifts for your bridal party and favors for guests not only personal but useful. An innovative way is with  engraved business card cases with each guests’ name and their table number hidden inside. Don’t forget to send your out-of-town guests off in the right way either. A personal thank you, and a small gift bag with late night treats will be sure to make their experience special. 

cc-Fresh Wedding Details..Engraved business card cases

Engraved business card cases

Fresh Wedding Details..Hotel Favors

Hotel gift bag

Fresh Wedding Details...Monogrammed Suspenders

Monogrammed Suspenders for Groomsmen

9. Choose ”new” traditional wedding bands that reflect your personal style as a couple.   These updated versions of the classic symbol of love, use multiple metals, different shapes, and colored stones, creating marvels that are modern, yet eternal. 

Fresh Wedding Details..Wedding Band

Katherine James’ Bella’s Love band

Fresh Wedding Details..Wedding Band
Rose Gold and Black Diamond band
Fresh Wedding Details..Wedding Band

Rustic Cut Diamond band

10. Pastels will forever be a popular trend amongst Spring weddings. It’s romantic, simple, classic and works well with just about any look and style. Ombre is still very much a beautiful trend, especially when done in delicate pale pink ruffles, resembling rose petals. Accessorize with feminine accessories and pretty yet modern origami cake toppers.

Fresh Wedding Details..KF Thea gown

 ”Thea Gown

Burberry Prorsum sandal 

Fresh Wedding Details..Origami Cake topper
Origami Bow Cake Topper

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