Destinations Magazine

Forever Friends... Nanjing, China!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Nanjing, a forever friend? This Jiangsu Province best one of mine called me back for my fourth visit since 2016! Ringing in my pre-birthday weekend in Nanjing with my friend, Chris had to be done! I had already had my Nanjing fill back in the springtime but clearly Nanjing had other plans for me! From noodles to a temple, serving a 'Foodgasm' before the drinks really hit hard! 

Forever Friends... Nanjing, China!

I had pledged that throughout November 2023, I would make every weekend count! The previous weekend had been spent in Suzhou, a visit to my friend Andy had been well overdue since he moved back to China! Boarding another Jiangsu bound train felt correct, making that second weekend shine, I headed for Nanjing! Getting back to that Jiangsu powerhouse for the fourth time allowed me to reunite with my Scotch friend, Chris! After dropping my bag at my city center located 'Jin Jiang Inn' hotel, I headed back over towards 'Secco', that trendy pizza serving bar had been the previous meeting place back in April 2023. With something planned for every weekend throughout November 2023, there would be no reservations made at the Sofitel! No! Reuniting with Chris once again was great, we had a few drinks and a late bite to eat, it was like no time had even passed us by! No, we didn't have a plan for the next day but I assured Chris that I would entertain myself before we would meet later on. NJ, you're a keeper! 

Bright and early the next mid-morning, I consulted my go-to foodie APP because I fancied some noodles for a late Nanjing breakfast. Clocking a seriously delicious looking noodle bowl, I took the Nanjing Subway a few stops with a short interchange so I could find '十月面馆'.  Now, my Ningbo life has continued to be home-based other than the three minute commute to work. Life had found me as I was in hot pursuit for that noodle house, those busy streets gave me life! Yes, that noodle place was heaving, that told me I would be in for an absolute treat! Feeling like a tourist, I showed a picture like the noodles in the photo above because I had no idea what those characters were! That crowded shop didn't have a seat for me, I was glad because I loved sitting roadside. Nanjing had my mouth watering because those noodles tasted bloody amazing! I feel grateful that Nanjing took me out of my Ningbo comfort zone once again! From the first bite to the very last slurp, those breakfast noodles had me thinking about my next meal! Hey, Chris!!! 

Forever Friends... Nanjing, China!

I was getting my life in that taxi because I loved the vibrancy of that Saturday mid-morning situation, people were simply going about their pedestrian business. Nanjing had me easily pleased! Getting to my next destination wasn't hard, I made sure that same APP had hooked me up with something new for me to see in Nanjing. With a certain terracotta nature, Nanjing's own hidden '金粟庵/Jin Su Temple' had caught my eye during my APP research period. You already know that Nanjing needed to show me something new! I arrived a little bit before Chris, knowing that he was feeling tired I made sure that extra time was spent wisely. I loved every single view that was served to me, that temple gave me a momentary slice of peace. Not famous like the 'Confucius Temple', I loved the small feel of that temple. I practically had the upper level to myself, it was easy for me to take a calm photo with both the temple and neighbouring flats acting as the perfect juxtapose! Do I believe in Traditional Chinese Medicine? Please? A freebie! 

Well, in that case? Yes, I believe in that Chinese made practice without question. With Chris confirming that he was on his way, I had found myself being poked and prodded by an excitable group of 'doctors'. Some kind of 'free' TCM workshop was being carried out on the ground floor within the temples entrance area. At first I was offered a massage, I already have the cupping on a regular basis so decided that a cheeky massage wouldn't hurt me. Oh, they were hands of a man? I could not say not to that! Yes, I enjoyed my unplanned massage! Then it came to my ears! These people were convinced that my 'Foreign' ears looked and felt worlds apart when compared with 'Chinese' ears! I had these curious looking plaster-like things placed behind and inside my ears, they had this tiny strange black sphere in them. It was another crazy experience in China for me! Foraging around in my scalp? Yes, another 'weekend doctor' prodded my scalp as if it was a head massage, it didn't feel bad at all! With Chris at the temple, we moved on forth! 

Forever Friends... Nanjing, China!

Myself and Chris made tracks from the temple, to a rather interesting part of town. That renovated former factory-looking complex impressed us much. It was definitely giving an essence of Ningbo's own 'DemoHood' with a former working location serving coffee shops and art spaces. Clocking a vintage shop, we had a quick peep in to see what looked good, the prices were not! We had just walked past an 'American Style' diner come supermarket and I loved every moment of that location. We decided that having a drink at that hipster location would fill some time, our evening plans hadn't yet started. Making mine a can of 'Delicious' IPA felt correct, it was the first real drink of the day! Nanjing was yet again serving much more, that fourth visit kept on surprising me and then some! Reconnecting with Chris is always a tonic, during that return 2023 visit to Nanjing, well the conversation flowed like it had done the previous night. Nanjing saw me making some choices but those drinks were a hot temptation! 

It was amazing to have that relaxing walk around that complex during that November afternoon, the weather felt chilly but nothing extreme. Sure, that former industrial area educated us quickly about its history. Guo Chang Industrial Park? Now, I wasn't familiar with the current use of some of those buildings but nevertheless, a new lease of life had been brought within the area. It was great to see something different, there's nothing worse revisiting a place with the same things clocked when that wasn't the brief. Heading back to 'ETE' for another drink sounded like a great idea, no it was a great idea! We spent our last moments in that area walking aimlessly before making a u-turn occurring without us realising. We couldn't resist messing about with the former machinery that looked like an art installation? No, we didn't break it because most of them were weather worn but a couple of them did have moving parts. A 'Foodgasm?' Oh, I was in for a pre-birthday foodie treat! Nanjing said that ish with its chest! Oh, Jiangsu? yes and...? 

Forever Friends... Nanjing, China!

Heading over to 'Foodgasm' allowed me and Chris to drive through a rather exclusive part of town, apparently those streets were too fancy for a 'Family Mart' store! That wasn't a question. I was feeling mad hungry because those brunch time noodles had gone and evaporated from my stomach, you know what I mean! I had been told that Chris's friends had just opened a new location of their already very successful fusion restaurant. Married between Balkan and Arabic tastes, the menu at Foodgasm was a taste test alone, I knew that the food was going to be amazing! We ordered the house down, those delicious cheese breads tasted phenomenal! Now, we both love our meat if you know what I mean? Getting those kebab shouted through to the kitchen was a done thing! Chris's boyfriend joined us for food as well as Natalia and another friend. Those drinks couldn't come fast enough, I sipped my first cocktail like I wasn't going to be regretting the hangover the next day. Truly, that NJ opening night was getting really busy! 

Feeling stuffed, we all took a taxi to our next place! The Nanjing contingent chose 'Red Room' as the place for drinks because the bar was getting pretty hectic over at Foodgasm. I loved Red Room, it was great to meet people and for the live music to add a different vibe to the place. Chris had been sneaky, he had told the band that it was practically my birthday! Wishing me a happy birthday, it was a little embarrassing to have that song sung to me! Moving once again, Chris's boyfriend suggested a K-Pop place that was closer to the city centre, I was down for that! I had my dancing shoes on because those robot routines did not look natural, I had people complimenting me on my moves! Those 'Made In Britain' hips certainly didn't lie in that moment! The whole night from beginning to that point was just right! Ending the night with a huge plate of dumplings or the whole day had been perfect! The journey back to Ningbo had me questioning life but not those Nanjing choices, a fifth visit will happen soon! 'Forever Friends?'

Nanjing, You're A Friend! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure

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