Celeb Magazine

EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello Divas and Gents!!!
How was you week so far? Mine was totally great and also over early which is amazing!!!
OK let me warn you first, this post here is not a FASHION kind of relate post but it is beauty related and most you already know that most of the times I tend to post on things in my life or the life of others that excite me and even supply you all with inspiring eye candies.
So that is what is going on here today. While watching the EURO 12 Spain vs Portugal game today I nearly had an heart attack, till Spain finally won and am so glad about that.
Oh do forgive my bla bla bla.
Gerard Pique!!!!! Does this name ring a bell? and don't tell me "isn't he Shakira's guy?"  that I know still wishes I can leave her and propose to me (lol joking of course I won't say no though).
He is a spanish player and also play for Barcelona Football club. He is the eye candy for today. 
He has really Piqued my interest since I can remember him and yes I hope you also drool over these pictures as I do whenever I see him play or just see him on the screen
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
EURO 12 Eye Candy Footballer: Gerard Pique
Images via: HERE
I said my week is over early because I am going to my Friend's country house for some rest away from the chaos of a the city and just relax for the rest of the week and weekend, so forgive my absence in advance, but I will definitely check out everything you did on you blog in my absence (Thank Bloglovin  for that).
Till am back to the City, Kisses my dears, enjoy the rest of your week and have an indulgent weekend.

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