Politics Magazine

Cindy Sheehan Interviews ex-CIA Asset Susan Lindauer About Libya

Posted on the 31 May 2011 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Cindy Sheehan interviews ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer about Libya
Cindy Sheehan has invited ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer, who used to work at the United Nations covering the Libyan and Iraqi Embassies and is the author of Exreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq, to her SOAP BOX show.
Lindauer is known for her back-channel work during the December 21st 1988 Lockerbie Disaster in negotiation with the Libyan and Iraqi government. One wonders if Lindauer was 'held under indictment for FIVE YEARS' for KNOWING TOO MUCH about what was really being negotiated between USA and IRAQ prior to the September 11th 'terror attack'.
According to Lindauer, there were bribes coming from the CIA on a regular operational basis so that certain witnesses kept schtum, let's say these witnesses 'shaped their testimony' due to payments of $4,000,000 each.
Lindauer states that 'Lockerbie bomber' Abdelbaset Al Megrahi was 'compassionately released' to the Libyan people just before the NATO insurgence started against Libya. Lindauer's insistent that the Lockerbie bombing happened because of the CIA heroine trafficking from the Bakhar Valley in Lebanon in the 1980's. Lindauer delivers the EXACT OPPOSITE to the official story, so what's really going on in ths insane Corporate War Game?
Listen to Susan Lindauer's SOAP BOX interview here, I quite like the 'garbage in, garbage out' opening to her show.
Lindauer says, "9-11 was a Pearl Harbour Day, the USA NEEDED 9-11." You can continue by reading her connected article Putting Out Fire with Gasoline in Libya.

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