Lifestyle Magazine

Cheap Lipstick Storage from Daiso

By Kerker @sparklingker

Today I have something really nifty to show you. A couple of weeks ago when I was at Daiso, I spotted this storage container in the makeup aisle. I thought would be great for storing lipsticks upright and for $2.80 this can’t go wrong. If it doesn’t work out, I would just throw it out. I took it home and started to place my stash of lippies into it. After filling the container up, I looked at it quite pleased. It actually fits my lippies really well. It’s so good that I’ve decided to buy more so that I can store everything in them instead of leaving my lippies around my room.

Cheap lipstick storage from Daiso

Cheap lipstick storage from Daiso

Cheap lipstick storage from Daiso

There you have it, pretty amazing for $2.80 heyhey? The plastic actually feels quite sturdy and doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall apart when I pick it up. During my shopping adventures, I also picked up an ipad screen, eyelashes and blush/highlighter. BTW, the ipad screen protector is really cool because it’s matte!! It doesn’t attract finger prints and it’s so much better than the $0.99 covers on ebay. I really love Daiso, it never disappoints and I never leave the store empty handed.

How do you store your lipsticks?

This was purchased with my own money.


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