Athletics Magazine

Bread Toast Ala Monica Torres – Breakfast for Champions

By Thesilentpal @thesilentpal
Monica Torres' French Toast RecipePhoto grabbed from Monica Torres FB wall via Instagram

Good morning! What’s your breakfast for today? Did you cook it yourself, someone cooked it for you or you bought in a restaurant? Whatever your breakfast is, I just want to share with you a little breakfast conversation via FB with 4th Time Filipina Triathlete Champion Monica Torres of FB:

She posted an Instagram pic of her breakfast yesterday December 28, 2012 and I started to crave for it as well, I was thinking of ordering some from Pancake House but I check on my wallet and I thought I was in a tight budget so I asked her how to make a bread toast from her. She immediately replied with a smile, see conversation below:

How to make french toast

So I hurriedly went home, drop by a near grocery store buy the suggested ingredients and went straight to the kitchen and cook it for me, my kids and to my loving wife. It is supposed to be a surprise “meryenda” on bed to them but they are already awake when I got home. So, we cooked it together instead, then came my Mom coming from my brother’s apartment.

I just look what is available on my wife’s kitchen haha…

Here’s my what I did or recipe:

Step 1: You will need…

- 50ml double cream
- 50ml milk (any)
- 2 eggs
- tasty bread (any brand)
- brown sugar (replacement for honey)
- chocolate milk (replacement for cinnamon)
- a pinch of pepper and salt
- 1/4 butter (any brand from your valued bakery)

- 1 Big bowl
- 1 Whisk
- 1 frying pan

Step 2: Make the Egg mix…

Place eggs, cream and cheese in a large jug. Whisk to combine. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 3: Cook it…

Dip each slice of bread into the egg mixture, allowing bread to soak up some of the mixture. Melt some butter (or use vegetable oil) over a large frying fan on medium high heat. Add as many slices of bread onto the fan as will fit at a time. Fry until brown on both sides, flipping the bread when necessary.

Step 4: Serve with love and care…

Serve hot with butter, maple syrup, and if available, fresh berries.

See pictures below:

The finished product, yum yum. We devoured this together with my wife and kids for our “meryenda” and watch movie entitled “Pitch Perfect”. Create your own toast now!!!


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