Environment Magazine

Beautiful Day

Posted on the 28 September 2016 by Ashley Crombet-Beolens @Fromanurbanlake
Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve Stilt PitsToday was a lovely day to be out on the patch, the sun was beating down, the temperature warm, in fact the only negative was a distinct lack of birds. I wander the area aimlessly today, not really sure where to go, or what I was likely to see but as it turns out there really wasn't much, most bird species numbers were down (Wigeon the only exception), most were distant and nothing really grabbed attention.
Therefore today's post will mainly be photos I'm afraid, they say a picture can paint a thousand words, well it can paint a couple of hundred here today instead. I hope you enjoy them (but they are not my greatest work if I'm honest, I think it was just one of those days).

Beautiful Day

Male Mallard in Flight

Male Mallard in Flight

Male Mallard

Male Mallard

Female Mallard

Female Mallard

Female Mallard in Flight

Female Mallard in Flight

Female Mallard splashing

Female Mallard splashing

Carrion Crow in flight

Carrion Crow in flight

Migrant Hawker in Flight (male)

Migrant Hawker in Flight (male)

Mute Swan

Mute Swan

Mute Swan

Mute Swan

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