Fitness Magazine

Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014

By Laurenegeorge
Howdy Everyone!
Long time no see. Things have been a little crazy over here in the best way possible! Our sweet Annabelle Katherine finally arrived on July 9th; five days after her due date. She made it known from the beginning that she is going to be just like her daddy because mommy would have been 2 weeks early!
Since Annabelle was set on taking her sweet time, I ended up having to be induced. We headed to the hospital at 5:00 AM on Wednesday, July 9th excited to meet our little girl!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
E was a little upset he didn't get to rush me into L&D in a wheel chair, so we stopped for a quick photo op on our way in. I'm sure the people watching the security cameras thought we were crazy.
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
After 14 hours of labor, Annabelle made her arrival at 10:21 PM weighing in at 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long. Considering my doctor guessed she would be around 6.25lbs, we were all a little surprised at her size. Yay for healthy happy babies!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
After a little time in recovery, we got moved to our postpartum room at around 2:30 AM and tried to get a little rest before visitors arrived. I quickly figured out how my supposedly tiny baby came out almost 8lbs when she proceeded to eat ALL NIGHT LONG. Hey, it's better than struggling to get her to eat. :) Annabelle and Daddy were tired after her first 1/2 day of life.
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
 We woke up Thursday morning and got ready for visitors. First up was Grandma George and Aunt Kelley!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Then we posed for our first family picture!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
And of course, Daddy had to do the Heisman with baby Annabelle.
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Aunt Kelley did a little mini photo shoot with Annabelle while she was visiting!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Then it was time to meet her Bayliss side of the family. She has lots of Aunts, Uncles, and Granparents that love her already!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
It was a pretty good first full day of life if you ask me! Friday morning we hung out in our room with Grandma George and Aunt Kelley while we got everything together for discharge.
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Finally, at around lunchtime, it was time to head home. Of course, we had to have a wardrobe change first!
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
Annabelle Katherine Arrived July 9, 2014
We have been home for about 2.5 weeks now, and it has been an amazing adventure. You truly do not know how much your heart can love until you have children! Thank you to everyone for all of the calls, texts, food, well wishes, congratulations, and visits. God has truly blessed us!
In health,
Lauren & Annabelle
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