Creativity Magazine

An Ode to Sleepy Time Tea

By Alysonisneat
An ode to sleepy time tea
An ode to sleepy time tea
Dear Sleepy time tea,
I can only hope that tonight I will feel as cuddly as a bear in a night cap.  Please work, please calm, and please make me sleepy.
Sincerely (yawn),
Not sure why, but I did not fall asleep Sunday night until 4AM Monday morning.  I tossed and turned, fidgeted and paced, cooled off my right leg and my left leg.  I could not fall asleep.  I'm exhausted with only five non-consecutive hours of sleep.
However, I am super excited to share this swap.  So, after I went a year without shopping last year, Mel of Idée Géniale is doing it this year.  Last year, we did a swap because I desperately wanted to wear something that hadn't been sitting in my closet for 10 months!  Mel is incredibly fashionable, hands down my favorite Canadian, and fortunately we are pretty close to the same size.  She sent me a swap package several weeks ago and mine that I sent her got sent back and she finally got it Monday (grr USPS, and hooray UPS)!!!
This dress was a stretch because typically, I don't wear such short stuff to work... BUT, I forget that I'm a shorty (did you know I'm only 5'4"?).  It worked, no accidents, no slip ups, no one saw my unders!  So everyone say hello to my legs!
Dress: swap w/ Mel, Forever 21
Belt: J. Crew, $6
Shoes: Tiny Boot Vintage
Earrings: Tree and Kimball

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