Lifestyle Magazine

X'mas Themed Full Month Party

By Chaayen

Usually, full month parties are one of the biggest celebration for the kid. We chose a more intimate option this time round because there was a recent death in the family and any celebration had to be muted. Hence, we went for the same formula as the firstborn's celebration. In a way, it was great because it was fair and the little princess won't be shortchanged in any sense. 

Similarly, her actual full month didn't fall on X'mas itself but I always like themed parties. It brings a lot more fun and people have the option to dress up (should they want to). But any celebration on X'mas is a bad idea because vendors are less keen on last minute orders :'( Here's a list of what you may want to have for your own Full Month Party!

X'mas Themed Full Month Party

1. Red Eggs + Ang Ku Kueh + Cakes
We went back to ordering from Bengawan Solo . Interestingly, I commented they were the more expensive option previously but this time round they were in fact the most affordable option. In terms of packaging and size of the gift, it looked more presentable. But because we were collecting our orders on boxing day, the factories couldn't rush out the orders in time. So we ended up ordering the Ang Ku Kueh separately and made our own red eggs to pack in a separately purchased box. (Woes of a X'mas party)
We continued to get vouchers for our other friends and family because it is convenient and provides flexibility for them to exchange what they want whenever they feel like it instead. 
X'mas Themed Full Month Party

2. Food
I really wanted to cater food this time round because the Christmas feasts all looked so good. But my in-laws were so bent on making this an intimate affar and cooking most of the dishes themselves, with the rest of the food being ordered from 101 places. Although the guests thoroughly enjoyed the feast (and so did I), it was a nightmare logistically
It was also then I realised milestones in life are never  decisions you can make on your own. The whole family would always want to chirp in a comment or 2. And if you want harmony in the family, you just go with the flow. My in-laws basically spent the whole party cooking. I would rather spend the time mingling with the guests but I guess whatever floats their boat. 
X'mas Themed Full Month Party

3. Dressing the Baby Up
This has always been my favourite part of motherhood. If you have been a long time follower, you will know how much I love dressing my kids up! And the best part of having a daughter is the plentiful dressing option. I didn't dress her up in tacky X'mas gear in the end because the Sonia Tank Top Set from Lambkin was too pretty to not be worn for her first party. 
My MIL was initially very appalled when I told her our precious will be dressed in black-based floral set. But when she saw the set, even she (being very difficult to please) gave her vote of approval gushing over how pretty and festive it is. My son was also in a matching dark themed but sparkly Marvel Top. The husband and I ended up wearing matching colours of green which you will see in subsequent posts. 
X'mas Themed Full Month Party

4. Decorations
For our party, we got a nice statement piece from @gtballoons. As far as i am concerned, it is never a kid's party if there are no balloons. The balloons from @gtballoons were so intricate that the children won't leave them alone. Initially, I wanted to place it beside the rocker but we had to place it on top of the piano instead so that it could survive the party. LOL! The adults were also very intigued and asked for quotes. If you are also keen to engage them, here's their rates!
@gtballoons can make many different designs so do hit them up if you need something customised! You will be seeing more photos of their balloons in the background as we even did the LO's hair cutting ceremony in front of it. HAHAHA!
X'mas Themed Full Month Party

The ballons also ended up doubling as an informal photobooth backdrop, so value for money right! I prepared a bit of X'mas themed props for the guests to take photos. But the adults were too busy getting themselves drunk and my husband's side of the family are generally not into such stuff. The kids however were thrilled and so was my side of the family. 
My Bro, the self-proclaimed party engineer of the day also helped to hang up banners, set up table cloth and blow up even more balloons. These light touches helped to transform the old house into a festive place. Believe it or not, the guests stayed over 4 hours that day. Like what! Must be having too much fun. 
X'mas Themed Full Month Party

5. Cake
I replicated the magic and got a cake this round too. But this time, I went for a more foreign Noel En Bleu croquembouches from The Patisser. Basically, this is a French dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel. You know most guests don't really take the fondued cakes at Kid's parties because they find it too sweet or would avoid the calories. 
I am proud to say everyone tried a piece because they were so curious about this dessert. By the way, the puffs were very delicious and not surfeiting.  And depending on the size, this can end up being much more affordable than a fondued customised cake. An equally gorgoeus statement piece too, I would say. Look at the number of photos we took! With that, I hope you readers had a great Christmas and are pumped up for 2023! One more kiddo, but I will still remain committed to sharing intriguing products with you guys!

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