Creativity Magazine

Warm Up Your Cold Emails Before Sending Them To Prospects

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Warm Up Your Cold Emails Before Sending Them To Prospectsblank vertical space, 16 pixels highI was one of 24 “experts” who contributed to an article called How To Write Professional Emails To Improve Your Career Success.blank vertical space, 16 pixels high

You can read the entire post here on the Kununu blog.

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This was my contribution:

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Warm ’em up
Warm Up Your Cold Emails Before Sending Them To Prospects
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I write two kinds of emails: cold emails (queries) to people I don’t know (prospects), and “regular” emails to clients and people I do business with.

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My tip for writing cold emails is to warm them up before you send them (see campfire, above).

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You do that by researching the person you’re writing to. You google them. You read about their business, check their LinkedIn profile.

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You verify their job title— are they really the best person to write to? I always try to find something they’ve written so I can comment on it.

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Doing the research allows you to personalize your email— especially the subject line; e.g., “I enjoyed what you said about such-and-such.”

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It boosts the odds they will open your email. It also tells the person you’ve done your homework, which helps establish credibility and trust.

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