
Venue Draping: How to Use It to Enhance Your Wedding Décor

Posted on the 18 February 2023 by Amazingweddings

When it comes to creating a dreamy and romantic wedding ambiance, few things can transform a venue quite like draping. Venue draping is a technique that involves adding fabric to a space to create a more intimate and aesthetically pleasing environment. Whether you’re getting married in a grand ballroom or a rustic barn, venue draping can help create a magical setting that will leave a lasting impression on you and your guests.

Types of Venue Draping

There are several types of venue draping that you can incorporate into your wedding décor. Here are a few popular options:

Ceiling draping

This involves adding fabric to the ceiling of your venue to create a soft and elegant atmosphere. Ceiling draping can be done in a variety of ways, such as using swags, creating a canopy effect, or adding twinkle lights for a romantic touch.

Wall draping

Wall draping can help transform a plain or unattractive wall into a beautiful backdrop for your wedding. You can use a single color or incorporate multiple colours and textures for a more unique look.

Backdrop draping

A backdrop is a popular option for creating a focal point during your wedding ceremony or reception. Draping can be added to a freestanding frame or attached to a wall to create a seamless backdrop that complements your wedding theme.

Entrance draping

The entrance to your wedding venue is the first thing that your guests will see, so it’s important to make a good impression. Draping can be added to the entrance of your venue to create a grand and elegant entrance that sets the tone for your wedding.

Table draping

Table draping can be used to create a soft and romantic atmosphere for your wedding reception. You can choose from a variety of fabrics, such as chiffon, silk, or lace, and incorporate them into your table settings for a cohesive look. Table draping can also be used to cover unsightly tables or create a dramatic effect by using long flowing drapes.

Venue Draping: How to Use it to Enhance Your Wedding Décor

Choosing the Right Fabric for Venue Draping

Choosing the right fabric is an important part of venue draping. The fabric you choose can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your wedding venue. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing the fabric for your venue draping:

  • Colour: The color of the fabric you choose should complement your wedding theme and color palette. Consider using lighter colours for a more romantic and ethereal look or darker colours for a more dramatic effect.
  • Texture: The texture of the fabric can also have an impact on the overall look of your venue. Chiffon, for example, is a lightweight and flowy fabric that can create a soft and romantic effect, while velvet is a heavier fabric that can add drama and texture to your décor.
  • Durability: It’s important to choose a fabric that is durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of your wedding day. Consider fabrics that are easy to clean and won’t easily wrinkle or tear.

Popular fabric choices for venue draping include chiffon, silk, tulle, and velvet. It’s a good idea to order swatches of different fabrics before making your final decision to see how they look in your wedding venue.

Venue Draping: How to Use it to Enhance Your Wedding Décor

Colours and Lighting for Venue Draping

Colour and lighting can have a big impact on the ambiance of your wedding venue. Here are a few tips for choosing colours and lighting for your venue draping:

  • Colour combinations: When it comes to venue draping, it’s important to choose colours that complement each other. Consider using a monochromatic color scheme or incorporating complementary colours for a more dynamic effect.
  • Lighting: Lighting can help create a romantic and intimate atmosphere in your wedding venue. Consider using soft, warm lighting to create a cosy and inviting space. You can also use uplighting to highlight your venue draping and create a more dramatic effect.
  • The time of day: The time of day can also affect the way your venue draping looks. If your wedding is taking place during the day, consider using lighter colours and fabrics to create a more ethereal effect. If your wedding is taking place in the evening, consider using darker colours and incorporating twinkle lights or other lighting effects for a more magical and romantic atmosphere.

By choosing the right colours and lighting for your venue draping, you can create a truly unforgettable wedding ambiance.

Hiring a Professional for Venue Draping

Venue draping can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it’s often best to hire a professional to handle the job. A professional can help you create a custom design that complements your wedding theme and style, as well as handle the installation and removal of the draping. When hiring a professional for venue draping, be sure to ask for references and look at their portfolio to ensure that they have experience in creating the type of look you want for your wedding.

DIY Venue Draping Tips

If you’re on a tight budget or prefer a more hands-on approach, you can also try doing your own venue draping. Here are a few tips for DIY venue draping:

  • Choose lightweight fabrics: Lightweight fabrics like chiffon are easier to work with and can be more forgiving if you make a mistake.
  • Use command hooks: Command hooks are a great way to attach draping to walls and ceilings without damaging the surface.
  • Get creative with lighting: You can use twinkle lights, candles, or other lighting effects to enhance your DIY venue draping.
  • Practice beforehand: It’s a good idea to practice your venue draping beforehand to ensure that you have the technique down and that the end result looks the way you want it to.

Keep in mind that DIY venue draping can be time-consuming and may require additional help, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete the project before your wedding day.

In conclusion, venue draping is a beautiful and effective way to enhance your wedding décor and create a romantic and intimate atmosphere. By choosing the right fabrics, colours, and lighting, as well as hiring a professional or using DIY techniques, you can create a truly unforgettable wedding ambiance that you and your guests will cherish for years to come.

Venue Draping: How to Use it to Enhance Your Wedding Décor

Venue Draping as a Focal Point

Venue draping can also be used as a focal point in your wedding décor. Consider creating a draped backdrop for your ceremony or head table, or using draping to create a grand entrance or walkway. By using venue draping as a focal point, you can create a stunning visual centrepiece for your wedding that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Venue Draping Dos and Don’ts

Here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind when using venue draping for your wedding:


  • Do use venue draping to enhance your wedding decor and create a romantic atmosphere.
  • Do choose fabrics, colors, and lighting that complement your wedding theme and style.
  • Do hire a professional if you’re unsure about how to install or remove venue draping.


  • Don’t use too much draping, as it can overwhelm your wedding venue and detract from other decor elements.
  • Don’t choose fabrics that are too heavy or difficult to work with, as they can be more challenging to install and remove.
  • Don’t forget to budget for venue draping, as it can be an additional expense on top of other wedding décor costs.

By keeping these dos and don’ts in mind, you can ensure that your venue draping is used effectively and contributes to the overall look and feel of your wedding décor.

Final words

In conclusion, venue draping is a versatile and elegant way to enhance your wedding décor and create a romantic and intimate atmosphere. By choosing the right fabrics, colours, and lighting, as well as keeping these dos and don’ts in mind, you can use venue draping to create a stunning visual centrepiece that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

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