Humor Magazine

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Lets face it, the number 1 themed parties and gifts ideas this year is going to the all about Frozen. So it is time to take a look at some of the very best recipes, snacks and general foods all styled to fit into the Disney’s Frozen universe…

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods


Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Ice and snow jelly shots

10 – Jelly shots

I am not so sure I would want jelly “shots” at a kids birthday as it could be seen as encouraging them to drink. But my thoughts aside maybe these lemon and lime jelly’s made with some blue food colouring stirred in to give them that frozen style and look is not such a bad idea.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Dipped frozen oreos

9 – Dipped Oreos

The color clash from the black Oreos to the light blue of the Frozen style makes these look extra tasty. Sadly no making guide with these, but they look simple enough to make anyway. But even with a small party of friends you might have to make quite a few of them!

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Olaf Ice Cream Treats

8 – Melting Moments

With solid chocolate arms, and a tasty vanilla body these Olaf style ice cream treats are fairly simple to make (thanks to the video making guide) and fun to look at as well. And of course definitely perfect for any Frozen themed party

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Olaf Noses – Carrots

7 – Nose Dips

It’s a great idea but I don’t think you’re going to be fooling any child into eating vegetables  just because you start calling them noses. Let’s face it there’s always that one kid that seems to love the taste of vegetables at a party anyway. Sadly it’s not my child.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Elsa’s Ice Candy

6 – Ice Candy

This ice themed broken candy would have been a good idea several years ago, but since Breaking Bad first aired on TV these blue crystals have always been looked at with second eyes.  It is a simple and good design I suppose but still, there is always that look about it

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Marshmallow Snowballs

5 – Snowballs

Marshmallow are one of those foods that is going to feature heavily in any frozen themed party. By calling then snow balls like this to using them to make Olafs body  they are an integral part of most party ideas. A quick suggestion tip here is to use the larger american marshmallows to create a better snowball effect.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Disney Frozen Ice Cream Cake

4 – Let it go…into my mouth.

There was far too many Frozen themed cakes to choose from, but I think I found one of the best. This ice-cream style cake features the ice-candy shards we saw in number 6. So maybe there is a little bit of hope that some of us can copy this idea.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Reindeer Cupcakes

3 – Reindeer Cakes

Sven is the reindeer with the heart of a Labrador, and Kristoff’s loyal friend, sleigh-puller and conscience. So it is only fitting that he get his own cupcake. As an added bonus this cupcake doubles up as a perfect little Christmas treat as well.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Snowflake Cupcakes

2 – Snowcakes

Let’s face it, there is a million and one frozen themed cupcakes that I could have choose from. But i decided to stick with something a little easier to make than most.  These fairly simple  cupcakes come with a great making guide and of course nothing too complicated to make.

Top 10 Frozen Themed Party Foods

Olaf pizza

1 – Pizza Man

Olafs body shape is perfect for a pizza. With several round sections making him up he is the perfect candidate to be made from pizza. There is no making guide with these as the idea is you make it with the things you like on your pizza. But I would happily eat most things when they are on a pizza.

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