Entertainment Magazine

The Xroadie Files

Posted on the 17 April 2024 by Ripplemusic
The Xroadie Files

Lisa Barca- Vocals/Guitar

Party Day the emotions just sends shivers down your spine. Into The Ground is a very catchy tune that will have you up and rocking. Beauty And Brains will have the entire crowd just rocking all night long. Clean And Clear just get up and have a blast.

DEAD EARTH- Et Disperdam Illud
The Xroadie Files

Mathias Kamijo - Instruments, Vocald- Henke Forss, Björn Larsson, Thomas Clifford, Angus Norder, Kristin Starkey, Drums- Kim Arnell, Lead Guitar- Toby Knapp, Chaq Mol

The last Cinders Of Hope grabs you by the throat and slams you against the wall over and over. Jaws Decree crushing riffs pounding drums thundering bass and demonic vocals. Doom,Cerulean slowly pulls into darkness and despair. Swords Drawn the pits of hell open and demons devour all. Lazurite Throne lost in dark imaginations. Speaking Silence eerie riffs solid rhythms with gruff vocals. Pyres punches you in the mouth till blood spurts out. Inflation Of Kings slow grinding rhythms dark vocals and crunchy guitars.

NAGA SIREN- Sea of Myself
The Xroadie Files

Emil Odd Solbakken - Vocals, Oliver David Kimmel - Guitar, Tarjei Kristoffersen - Guitar, Erik Fossmo - Bass, Steffen Landerud - Drums

I Found drifting in your imagination. Sea Of Myself pounding drums thundering bass crunchy riffs and gruff vocals. Cut And Run sway groove and chant. The Last Time grab your air guitars riff fist pump and sing. 2024 Purge crushing riffs pounding rhythms with screaming vocals. The Perfect Picture hit the pit and mosh till exhaustion. Clear The Air slam sweat and thrash about. Never Ok one strange musical journey. Something Great punk rock influenced music with interesting twists. In The Clouds close your eyes and dream.

Moon Incarnate- Hymns to The Moon
The Xroadie Files

Christian Kolf , Matin Vasari

Hymn To The Moon one strange doom metal mind trip. The Tempest lost in dark imaginations. A Knight's Death the pits of hell open and demons devour all. Nemesis lost in the depths of demonic souls. A Graveyard In My Soul slowly grinds your very soul into small pieces. Minotaur death destruction and madness. The Kraken darkness envelops your very senses.

The Xroadie Files

Michael Honiotes - Drums, Kellen McInerney - Guitar, Robb Park -Guitar, Daniel Smith - Bass/Vocals

Rip Wizard slow doom metal music that envelops your senses. Cough It Up drifting in darkness. Carcinogen low lumbering bass pounding drums and crunchy riffs. Dead Cloud fist pump head bang and sway as you groove. Hex dark vocals screaming guitars and thundering rhythms. Lung Ruiner is like being slowly run over by a crusher. Dweller grinds your brain into nothingness. Marsquake lost in dark imaginations. Blast Off slam sweat and just thrash it out.

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