Food & Drink Magazine

Slow Cooker Lemon Sesame Chicken Noodle Soup

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

This slow cooker lemon sesame chicken noodle soup can be assembled ahead and stored in the fridge or freezer until you're ready to cook it up!  Perfect for cold and flu season: healthy, comforting and delicious.

Slow Cooker Lemon Sesame Chicken Noodle SoupThis slow cooker lemon sesame chicken noodle soup can be assembled ahead and stored in the fridge or freezer until you’re ready to cook it up!  Perfect for cold and flu season: healthy, comforting and delicious.

October used to be a somewhat ‘generic’ month…meaning it blended in with all of the other fall months.  But these days?  Not so much.

October is now the birthday month of the three other members of my family.  It’s also the month we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada.  Oh.  And Halloween.

Soooo October is a month in which I am desperately in need of easy dinner recipes, because there is just a lot going on.  Enter freezer to slow cooker recipes, like this slow cooker lemon sesame chicken noodle soup.

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