
Revamping Healthcare With AI – Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Doctors?

Posted on the 29 January 2022 by Blog Zed @Blog_ZED

As we think of making our lives better with technology, artificial intelligence will likely get rid of doctors. It is factual that it is helping doctors and human physicians, but what about their jobs? Here, we break it down and -find out whether artificial intelligence will replace doctors or not.

As we try to improve healthcare in many ways, there are consequences as far as employment is concerned. Nowadays, doctors no longer bother themselves about drug administration because they cannot overdose or undergoes a patient. Keeping that in mind, there's every reason to worry about the replacement of doctors due to artificial intelligence. Let's begin with the good news and wrap up with the bad news of using artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Revamping Healthcare With AI – Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Doctors?

Why should we use artificial intelligence in healthcare?

There are many benefits of using AI in healthcare. Take a look:

Better and easy treatment

I think you agree that machines are better than human beings in terms of speed and efficiency. Would you prefer to have eye surgery or use artificial intelligence through drops to dissolve cataracts? Definitely, you will go for the second option.

Still, it is easier to handle most human ailments and health conditions like pancreas-related problems. AI helps by using an artificial pancreas and printing skin cells to facilitate faster-wound healing. Moreover, there's fast research with artificial intelligence, therefore faster diagnosis of many diseases before they get worse.

Reduced costs

Supposing a patient receives treatment from doctors, there are high chances that he will stay long in the hospital. However, AI makes it even simpler by consistently monitoring patients and providing suggestions for specific drugs at timely intervals. Research shows that using artificial intelligence in healthcare will save $150 billion annually by 2026. Wow! That's a great deal, convincing enough not to let go AI.

Easy management

There's a lot of hospital management, like keeping a patient's health records for subsequent diagnosis. Fortunately, artificial intelligence has revamped healthcare by introducing voice recognition software and dictation. Consequently, it is rosy for doctors to keep abreast with patients and maintain health and clinical records.

If a doctor needs to treat a patient, he no longer takes time because AI can detect and track down the history of the infection and propose necessary medication. Let's look at two more scenarios to have a clear picture of how it works:

  • If a patient runs out of drugs, AI will detect it and send notifications to request more medications in less than a second.
  • There are many patients, and a doctor needs to treat them. Artificial intelligence scans and prioritizes those who require urgent medical attention, hence saving lives.

Reasons why doctors are likely to be replaced?

So far, we have explored some benefits of using artificial intelligence in healthcare. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the risks associated with this superb technology. Let me talk about doctors, to be specific. Here are some reasons why doctors are likely to lose their jobs if we over-rely on AI.

Doctoral duties

Artificial intelligence has led to the introduction of virtual health assistance. For instance, machines perform most doctoral duties and even more effectively than doctors. Artificial intelligence reminds a patient when to take medication, tells them to make new prescriptions before they run out, recommend dietary habits and restrictions, and many more!

Also Read - Why is Artificial Intelligence becoming important for the future?

Limited doctor and patient engagement

Robots cannot replace real doctors, but there's more than replacement. Do you know that most companies like Microsoft have websites where patients can go and ask questions, discuss their symptoms and get help without the doctor's intervention? Many people tend to trust them because of minimal errors, compared to doctors who make mistakes like any human being.

In addition, some chatbots help advise patients on specific medication for treatment. Instead of interacting with doctors, other patients prefer to do it virtually, still implementing artificial intelligence in healthcare. Sadly, the duties of most doctors keep decreasing with an improvement in technology.

AI is good, but we cannot escape its effects on future employment, particularly healthcare. Even though doctors are sighing from the hectic work, they must be aware of being overtaken by machines, technology, and robotics. So, do you think doctors are getting replaced as we continue to embrace artificial intelligence in healthcare? Please leave your opinions in the comments.

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