Creativity Magazine

Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Freelance illustrators and writers will often pitch ideas to clients. Your chances for success are better if you’ve already done work for the client, and established a good relationship.

You’re trying to sell your idea, of course, but a pitch is also a chance to demonstrate your expertise and stay top-of-mind. To show you’re an idea person, a collaborator, someone who’s invested in promoting the client’s brand.

For me, it means presenting the idea, then showing how it could be expanded or spun in different directions.

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Here’s an idea I pitched to Chick-fil-A. It’s a storyboard in animated GIF format. Basic idea: nobody can resist a Chick-fil-A Original Chicken Sandwich.

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Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise

I submitted the pitch via email, and included the following thoughts:

Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise

  • it doesn’t have to be the Original Chicken Sandwich; you could feature any menu item– perhaps something seasonal
  • you could change the plot line; for example: have the Easter Bunny give up in disgust, then have a Chick-fil-A employee show up to save the day

Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise
Demonstrating expertise is mostly about sharing info and pointing out possibilities. Some other thoughts:
Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise

  • using an animated GIF makes sense strategically, because most content being consumed today is video-based (it’s what people want)
  • the GIF has a nice seasonal tie-in (Easter); brands score points (=credibility) when they acknowledge seasons and current events
  • the single frames of the GIF could be repurposed and used separately: digitally, or even for placemat decorations, coloring handouts for kids, etc.

Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise
A pitch can also be a learning experience. Consider the following “still”:
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Making A Pitch Is Also A Chance To Demonstrate Your Expertise

It was in the animated GIF, right?

Actually, no. It looks right because it’s a stand-alone sketch: kid gives bored yawn, bunny reacts with frown and hand on hip.

But if you scroll up and watch the GIF again, you’ll see the yawn-frown combo doesn’t occur in a single slide. The kid yawns in one slide, the bunny reacts in the next. That’s the only way it “works.” It’s just the nature of animation.

Did I already know that? No. I learned it while I was constructing the GIF.

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Thoughts? I’d appreciate your feedback.

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