Creativity Magazine

LEGOs, Beer, Bounty Hunters, And Other Lawsuit Lunacy

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Welcome to another edition of Loopy Lawsuits.

As mentioned in previous posts, I do a cartoon illustration every month for Inside Counsel Magazine’s humor feature about unusual lawsuits. They send me short summaries of four cases, I sketch out an idea for each, they pick the one they like best.

Here’s the winner for the February 2013 issue. A master LEGO builder (who constructs large museum displays using LEGO toy bricks) sued Toys “R” Us for allegedly shortchanging him. He claims they promised him some free sets with his purchase, but then substituted sets of lesser value. I asked myself how a master LEGO builder might aggressively pursue his lawsuit.

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit involving master LEGO builder who sued Toys R Us for giving him cheaper than advertised bonus sets when he made major purchase; plaintiff is crashing into courtroom in tank made of LEGOs; judge pounding gavel made of LEGOs; jury building jury box made of LEGOs

And for the upcoming March 2013 issue: Five prison inmates are suing several beer, wine, and liquor companies for failing to warn them that their products are addictive and can lead to poor life choices. Here they are being duped again…

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit involving prison inmates who are suing beer and liquor companies because failed to warn inmates that alcohol was addictive which led them to poor choices and life of crime; judge dispensing beer from bench, inmates, lawyer, and jury all drinking excessively

Here are some of the rough sketches that weren’t chosen:


A couple is suing Ford Motor Company because they don’t like their replacement vehicle. Their original Ford Escape XLT was red with stone-colored interior. Unfortunately, it had recurring transmission problems. Ford replaced it with an Escape that was steel blue with charcoal interior. The couple sued because it didn’t match the original colors.

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit involving couple suing Ford Motor Company because replacement for defective car was unsatisfactory; judge's bench serving as hydraulic lift, judge working on car like mechanic, auto parts raining down on lawyer and witnesses, jury members dressed as auto mechanics

A man is suing Spike TV and its “reality” show Big Easy Justice, which features a ruthless tattooed bounty hunter who wears a baseball cap, bluetooth headset, and a microphone clip. The plaintiff claims the show falsely accused him of grand theft auto
and ruined his reputation. 

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit about man who sued Spike TV and its Big Easy Justice reality show for falsely accusing him of auto theft; poor witness being held up by ruthless bounty hunter Tat-2; jury dressed like Tat-2 with microphones, blu-tooth communication devices, baseball caps and tattoos on arms

Shoe designer Charles Philip sued retailer Gap for copying his trademark luxury loafers. Philip claims Gap is selling a knockoff shoe that costs 80% less than the original.

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit shoe designer Charles Philip sued Gap for selling cheap knockoff of his trademark luxury loafers; lawyers pointing to shoe which is hurting his foot; judge shining his shoes; jury holding up shoes with shoe size signs; clown holding up long shoe with size 38

A steel salesman sued his former employer, Superior Supply and Steel. The plaintiff claims he was fired because he refused orders to take customers to strip clubs and help them obtain sexual favors. 

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit steel salesman sued his employer steel supply company for firing him for refusing to take prospective customers to strip clubs; witness describing situation steel I-beam morphing into stripper with bikini bottom

The former manager of an American Apparel store is suing the retailer’s CEO for verbal and physical abuse, wrongful termination, and for shoving dirt in his face.

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit American Apparel store manager sued company CEO for verbally abusing him and shoving dirt in his face; lawyer offering wash basin and towel to witness with dirty face and clothes; judge banging gavel that is bar of soap; jury members popping resulting soap bubbles

A customer sued the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant chain over the actions of a waitress. The plaintiff alleges the waitress accused her boyfriend of not paying for the salad bar, snatched away his plate and threw a napkin dispenser at him, and then attacked the plaintiff with a knife.  

cartoon illustration for strange lawsuit Chuck E. Cheese being sued by customer because waitress accused customer of not paying, snatched away his plate, and stabbed another customer with knife; judge's bench as plastic ball compartment with kids playing in it; woman in witness box with mouse ears throwing napkin dispenser at lawyer; jury members hiding behind pizzas used as shields

What do you think? Ever had someone bean you with a napkin dispenser, or had a bounty hunter break down your door? (Please say no.) Is a growing lack of civility driving some of these lawsuits? Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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