Environment Magazine

Introducing the Patch - Wild Flower Meadow

Posted on the 05 November 2016 by Ashley Crombet-Beolens @Fromanurbanlake
Introducing the Patch - Wild Flower Meadow - Stonechat
The Wild Flower Meadow is part of the Ouse Valley park system and sits between the Grand Union Canal and the Main Pits of the Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve with the River Ouse, and it's path, providing the third border for the fields, a thick hedge making up the last.
The area is still very much in development (2016), the rubberised path, designed to come under regular flooding through the winter, winds through the field, but as yet the wildflowers are not fully planted (self seeded). The area is a very rough area though and is attracting hunters of the aviary kind.

Introducing the Patch - Wild Flower Meadow

So far there haven't been huge numbers of birds, butterflies, Dragonflies or other insects using the fields but in winter 2015/16 a Barn Owl could regularly be found hunting the fields in the evenings. Buzzards, Red Kite, Peregrine, Hobby, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk have all been seen over the fields. Whinchat, Stonechat, and Spotted Flycatcher have also been recorded there.

Grey Heron

Grey Heron


Other Photos

Barn Owl Hunting

Barn Owl Hunting

Barn Owl Hunting

Barn Owl Hunting

Barn Owl Hunting

Barn Owl Hunting

European Robin

European Robin



For more in the series see my Introducing The Patch page
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