Food & Drink Magazine

How To Make Doi Potol , Dahi Parwal Recipe

By Anjana Chaturvedi @maayeka

Doi Potol/ Dahi Parwal- Pointed Gourd shallow fried and simmered in a tangy yogurt sauce

Doi Potol-Parwal is a very healthy seasonal vegetable mainly available during summer season in north and East India. It is a very healthy vegetable and it is very easy to digest and is light on tummy so always advised to have when ever you have any type of disease or fever. It is laxative and anti pyretic, Helps to treat jaundice,liver problems and Ulcers.

Parwal and tindli both vegetables looks quite similar so many people get confused between the two. But they are different in taste ,texture and look wise. Tindli /kudru have very tender seeds and parwal have bigger and fewer seeds as compered to tindli. While choosing parwal looks for fresh ,firm,small and dark in colour parwals.

Dahi Potol/ Dahi parwal is a popular Bengali Recipe. It is the favorite vegetable of Bangla people. They consume parwal/potol almost on daily basic during the season. Parwal/potol is used in making so many delicious preparations there.So many types of curries,stir fries,sweets,and fritters are made with parwals.

For Making Dhooi potol choose fresh firm parwal of medium size. peel them in alternate strips and make few slits . Now add slat and turmeric on the parwals and keep aside for 15 minute. Then shallow fry in mustard oil till they become light golden in color and get half cooked. Now temper some oil with whole garam masala and add the spices and saute the parwals. Then add beaten yogurt and cook for a minute. After that add water and simmer till parwal become soft and get done.

This Doi parwal is best served with paratha , luchi or with steamed rice.

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How To Make Doi Potol , Dahi Parwal Recipe
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Dahi Potol Recipe/ Dahi Parwal ki sabzi

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