Diet & Weight Magazine

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

The holiday season is upon us again, and if you're new to a low carb or paleo diet this can be a challenging time. Especially when the extended family gets together for Thanksgiving.

Carolyn at All Day I Dream About Food compiled a great collection of low-carb, gluten-free Thanksgiving recipes to help you stay healthy through the holiday season:

I know that the holidays can be intimidating on a low carb diet, especially if you are new to it. You are surrounded by tempting high carb foods and it's so easy to give in, especially when friends and family are encouraging you to eat, eat, mangia, mangia. And it's a holiday, a special day, so you think to yourself: Why not? It's a special day, I deserve just a little bit. But one bite leads to another and next thing you know, you've eaten 3 pies and a whole plate of stuffing and mashed potatoes smothered in flour-y gravy.

Then you spend the next few days beating yourself up and wondering if you can get back on track after such a binge. But this slightly-exaggerated scenario doesn't have to be a reality. The truth is that there are many wonderful low-carb options for Thanksgiving and other holidays that can keep you from giving into temptation without feeling deprived. You can eat to your heart's content and even indulge in a few of your favourites, all while sticking to your low carb, gluten-free diet. It is possible, trust me. Because I have spent the past few years perfecting the art of the low-carb holiday dinner. Many other great bloggers have as well. So I have collected the best low carb Thanksgiving recipes here for you to plan your holiday menu. Continue Reading →

All Day I Dream About Food: 30 Delicious Low-Carb Thanksgiving RecipesPaleo Leap: Paleo Thanksgiving DinnerMark's Daily Apple: Make it a Primal Thanksgiving!

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