Debate Magazine

Free Holidays for All.

By Harry @web_pensioner

type102Free holidays and stay for as long as you like.

Yes they are free.

Want to go to a foreign country, all your needs provided for and its all free.

Sun all the year round, lots of sand and hills. Take the opportunity while it is free because it may not be here for long.
ISIS are offering these, all you have to do is turn up in Syria and they will transport you to your home, provide clothing and food etc.

Imagine, no schools allowed for anyone, and no work for anyone.

Entertainment for boys and men, will be learning how to use a gun, how to make bombs also included for those
who want to take part is how to be a suicide bomber.

Woman and girls will be taught how to stone people to death and they can also go to suicide bomber classes.

All woman from 14 years of age must wear the full burka at all times.

Single woman from 14 must remain in doors at all times unless accompanied by an adult.

There will be no games, books, tv or any form of entertainment allowed.

All young girls will be married of to an older man as soon as possible.

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