Celeb Magazine

Cashing In On Dead Celebrities!

By Travelingdivas

HOLLYWOOD—When you are a celebrity, sometimes it’s very hard to deal with the fame and newfound money, especially if you never had money before. It’s hard to function if every move in your life is being photographed or videotaped. It is not surprising that many celebrities and rock stars go into overload, and if it goes on long enough, anyone could have a serious meltdown, which will lead to their demise.

Amy Winehouse. Photo courtesy of Link 81 Collection

Some of the greatest musicians of all time became rich and famous, experimented with drugs and died way too young. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if it’s a curse that some of the greatest musicians and singers have died at the age of 27. I have written before of the Club 27 musicians. For whatever reasons, rock stars can’t get high on their own success.

Some of the Club 27 musicians include: Janis Joplin, who also headlined Woodstock, rose to fame as the lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Co., and then later ventured out as a solo artist. She died of a drug overdose on October 4, 1970. Some of her greatest hits were “Me and Bobby McGee,” “Cry Baby” and “Mercedes Benz.”

Jimi Hendrix, considered one of the greatest electric guitarist of all times, died on September 8, 1970 in London. Hendrix has always been remembered as the headliner of the world-famous Woodstock in 1969. Hendrix died by taking an overdose of Vesperax sleeping pills and a mixture of alcohol.

Kurt Cobain, who was known for the success of the band Nirvana, took his own life on April 5, 1994. Cobain had a troubled life that was full of ups and downs. His long addiction to drugs, especially heroin, led to his demise. The band sold over 50 million records worldwide.

Jim Morrison, the leader singer of The Doors, overdosed on heroin thinking it was cocaine. Until this day, his death has always been a mystery. His success came to a halt on July 3, 1971. He was considered a true genius in his poems and songwriting.

Brian Jones, founder/guitarist of the Rolling Stones, was also in Club 27. His death was another mystery after he drowned in a swimming pool on July 3, 1969.

Unfortunately, we have added Amy Winehouse to the talented stars who are a part of Club 27. The five-time Grammy winner had battled alcohol and drug addiction for a long time. She was found dead on July 23, 2011 at her London home at the age of 27. At press time, police are still awaiting toxicology tests, which could take a few more weeks.

It is so amazing to me how record companies and tabloids seem to cash in once a celebrity is dead. Amy Winehouse's “Back to Black” album is currently on the top ten on Billboard again. Sales of “”Back to Black” increased 37 times immediately after Winehouse’s death. Apple, for instance, posted an image of Amy on the front of the iTunes store with a caption reading “Remembering Amy Winehouse.” It obviously worked, since it’s currently number one in the store. Amazon also cashed in, with a brief posting that linked to a page that shoppers can also purchase her music. It has been the case with many famous celebrities including Elvis Presley, James Brown, John Lennon, Michael Jackson and rapper Tupac Shakur.

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