Hair & Beauty Magazine

Best Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment Tips| Causes of Wrinkles

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

Best Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment Tips| Causes of wrinkles

You might be 30 or 20 but getting wrinkles has nothing to do with your age. Many of us feel that wrinkles are a sign of aging which is partly true. Wrinkles may show up at a much earlier stage if you don’t take care of your skin properly.

What are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are actually the natural folds in your skin. They are the signs that your skin has started to sag or loose. Many people believe that wrinkles are a part of the natural aging process. But no you might have noticed that if you stay in water for a day for quite long period of time even then you get wrinkles like something on your fingers and hands.

Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment

Causes of Wrinkles

The constant UV exposure is also a major cause of wrinkles. Other than these wrinkles are a sign of dehydrated skin as well. Some of the lifestyle factors like pollution and too much smoking can also lead to wrinkles at the same point of time.

Causes of wrinkles under eyes

Wrinkles under the eyes are also quite common. And this is better known as “Crow’s feet”. There are various causes of getting wrinkles under the eye area. Smiling, sun damage, squinting, harshly rubbing the eyes too often, muscle movement, surgeries, injections are some of the major causes because of which wrinkles under the eyes are visible even in your youthful days. If you keep sleep constantly only on one side of the pillow than that might also lead to your under eye wrinkles.

Use under eye cream regularly right from the moment you see some wrinkles appearing around your eye area. Though mild fine lines are very common and almost everybody have them.

When to start using anti-wrinkle cream?

Well, now that you are clear what are all the factors contribute to wrinkles. You might be tempted to use anti-wrinkle cream. And one of the most common questions which we encounter while using anti-wrinkle creams is that at what age you should start using them? Many people believe that anti-aging cream should be used in your early 30s whereas some believe that you should use them in your late 20s. so, the million dollar question here is that when should you start using them?

Well, anti-wrinkle creams should be used as soon as possible. You can use them even in your 20s and this will give you good coverage and quite a lot of time so that you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles or any other aging signs on your skin. And the benefit which you will have if you begin using the anti-aging cream in your 20s is that you can begin with a light textured one. This is the deal with skin care.

If you take good care of your skin and apply the correct set of products, then you will realize that you are using very few products actually. And the skin care products are always an investment to your skin. So, go even for the one which are a bit pricey. The cost will be justified with the benefits you derive.

Ingredients which are best suited to treat wrinkles| Wrinkles prevention & Treatments

Now, you might have noticed that the market is flooded with anti-wrinkle creams. Here are some of the ingredients which you have to look for in your anti-aging cream/anti-wrinkles cream.Keep reading ahead to know more –


It is a topical Vitamin A, aids in collagen production and prevents wrinkle in the long run. Retinol is one of the best things you can use you for acne and wrinkles. But if you have eczema or very sensitive skin then please skip this ingredient.

There are so many retinol over the counter creams available in different composition with different concentrations. You can have a look at ok dermo anti-wrinkle facial treatment creams where they have a wide range of products such retinol, combination of pure retinol and vitamin K microsphere, Vitamin C cream, combo of retn A & Tretinoin in gel form and many other products. Check them here-

Best Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment Tips| Causes of wrinkles
Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment

Hydroxy Acids – Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are some of the exfoliants which are known to remove the topmost layer of the skin which is actually old and wrinkled and give you the soft supple new skin. Eg. salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid etc

Peptides – This ingredient has been used largely in treating wrinkles, healing wounds and likewise. Ok Dermo also has peptide creams.

Niacinamide – This is another potent antioxidant and a form of Vitamin B3. It would take care of water loss in your body and improve skin elasticity in the long run. It is an amzaing ingredient to improve skin texture and pore. Its best suited for oily skin.

Home Remedies to get rid of wrinkles

There are some of the home remedies which works quite well for the wrinkles on your skin. Let’s have a look at some of them –

  1. Egg Whites – Egg whites are rich in protein, Vitamin B and Vitamin E. It can do wonders on your wrinkled skin. You only need to whip up some egg whites and then apply them all over your face. Let them dry for a good 15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water.
    Best Wrinkles Prevention & Treatment Tips| Causes of wrinkles
  2. Olive Oil – Olive oil is also known to do wonders on your skin. You can use olive oil as a part of your night skincare routine. Apply olive oil directly on your face and then whip it off with a towel. You can also add some drops of olive oil to your night cream.
  3. Lemon Juice – Lemon juice is extremely rich in vitamin C. This is a natural and quite effective way to get rid of wrinkles. You only need to take a lemon slice and apply it all over your face. Gradually you will see that there are no more wrinkles on your skin with daily usage.

So these were some of the wrinkles prevention and treatment tips that you can follow in your 30s as well. Have you tried any? Do let me know in the comments below

By: Pallavi & Khadija          Editor: Khadija


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