Diaries Magazine

Bad Gifts Suck. We Can Help

By Generatorland @generatorland

Bad gift Ideas

Bad gifts shouldn’t ruin an otherwise stressful Christmas.

Christmas is a time of love and frantic scrambling through department stores like our oxygen tanks are about to expire.

That’s because we think gift cards are bad gifts and a cop-out (even if that’s what people actually want) and we still cling to a bizarre notion that we know what’s best for someone else.

But at Generatorland our motto (as of this sentence) is “We’re here to help!” So we have not one but TWO generators to help you generate gift ideas:

Helpful Generators for Avoiding Bad Gifts

The Gift Idea Helper

Just looking for some help brainstorming that perfect, relevant and non-sucky gift? Use this tool to generate ideas and concepts that might be suitable.

The Gift Idea Generator

Want to just cycle through a crap-ton of actual items to find the right one? This tool has got you covered.

Less Helpful Holiday Generators:

Misfit Toy Generator
Remember The Island of Misfit Toys from the Rudolph TV movies? Well, now you can make up your own! I know right?

Elf Name Generator
Channel your inner bad elf. Your toys don’t look quite right, you give off an odd, musky scent. You just need a name.

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