Self Expression Magazine

Are All Your Social Eggs in the Facebook Basket?

By Lisa @Lisapatb
It hit me like a rock; I had been thinking it but when I analyzed the stats it hit. Why do some people put all their social eggs in the Facebook basket?
Are All Your Social Eggs in the Facebook Basket?
I noticed in views of our websites and blogs that most of them came from Google organic, StumbleUpon and Twitter. Slowly Bing and Yahoo are catching up too on the organic side. But Facebook was near the bottom of the list on most days. So why do folks insist on staying just on Facebook? It's great for family and friends but if you are trying to do business, hop on over to some new baskets.
Are All Your Social Eggs in the Facebook Basket?
You'll be pleasantly surprised by what you'll find over on Twitter and Google+. This is the order of visits by the most for the past 30 days:
  • StumbleUpon
  • YouSayToo
  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Blogger
  • Bing
  • NewsMeBack
  • Facebook

  • Are all your eggs in the Facebook basket or are you spreading your social eggs out?

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