Celeb Magazine

Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 Pose Catapults Right Leg to Internet Fame

By Periscope @periscopepost
Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 pose catapults right leg to internet fame

Angelina Jolie. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

As Tom Jones didn’t sing: “Legbomb, legbomb, you’re my legbomb.” Yes, legbombing has entered the internet lexicon, after Hollywood leg-end (sorry) Angelina Jolie’s provocative pose at the 2012 Oscars. Jolie put her best foot forward (sorry again) on the red carpet in a long black Versace dress with a thigh-high split – and as photographers snapped away, the now-famous right leg made its appearance.

However, it wasn’t just Jolie’s sexy stance which catapulted her right leg to star of the show on Oscars night. When The Descendants’ writers Jim Rash and Nat Faxon received their Oscar, with Alexander Payne, for best adapted screenplay, they stuck out their legs much like their presenter, Jolie had. Rash told reporters the mimicry was entirely light-hearted: ”I had just seen her pose and thought it was bold and fun. And you know what? We have exactly the same legs! Really, it was a loving tribute and nothing but.”

Jolie’s limb now has its own Twitter account, @AngiesRightLeg, with tweets such as “Left leg and I talked — everything’s cool. Next Oscars, she gets the slit.” And Jolie’s Oscars leg-acy (sorry, sorry) doesn’t end there. Samantha Murphy reported for Mashable that the leg has reached meme status thanks to BuzzFeed users uploading photoshopped images of Jolie’s right pin in historic pictures: “For example, Jolie’s limb is now featured in the scene of George Washington crossing the Delaware River and she’s also photo-bombing The Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover.”

Check out BuzzFeed‘s top ten (real) pictures of Jolie’s right leg here. And here’s The Periscope Post‘s pick of the best memes.

Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 pose catapults right leg to internet fame

Adam Legbombed. Photo credit: BuzzFeed

Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 pose catapults right leg to internet fame

Costa Concordia legbombed. Photo credit: BuzzFeed

Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 pose catapults right leg to internet fame

Cristiano Ronaldo girly leg. Photo credit: BuzzFeed

Angelina Jolie’s Oscars 2012 pose catapults right leg to internet fame

Merkel legbombed. Photo credit: BuzzFeed

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