Diaries Magazine

A Spooktacular Halloween Weekend.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

Good morning and happy Monday! How is it November? Where has this year gone?! Now that Halloween is over I’m sure the interwebz is going to be blowing up with red Starbucks cups, Christmas trees, and snow gracing the ground. And I am TOTALLY okay with that. Christmas is the best time of the year and it also means a trip back to Ohio… WOO!

But before we start thinking about raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, let’s talk about this past weekend. Bubs had a Halloween parade at school and I got to stay for a few minutes and see him do the pledge, trace his name, go over the days of the week, etc. I love him to pieces and am always proud of him, but seeing him learning and listening so well just made my heart burst with love and pride.


Friday night we went out to a lovely Mexican dinner with our friends. It had been a long time since I had Mexican and let’s just say it was absolutely worth every calorie. I think I ate my weight in chips and salsa but that’s what you’re supposed to do when you go out for Mexican, right? We headed back to their house afterwards to carve pumpkins, aka I watched again, and capped the night off with a glass of wine.



Saturday we spent the morning running around and prepping for the Halloween party at my friend Amy’s house. I had seen a cat litter cake floating around on Facebook and I was determined to make one. It came out perfectly, aka it looked absolutely disgusting and realistic. But we all had an absolute blast at the party; the kids bobbed for apples, had a donut eating contest, and of course went trick-or-treating. This was the first year in three years that Z was home on Halloween, so it made it extra special for all of us.





We spent most of Sunday lounging around and prepping for the week, and I gave this here blog a facelift! I bought a design on Creative Market and spent all day trying to install it and figure things out. So it may be a little crazy around these parts for a few days while I work the kinks out


This week is going to be a crazy one and I fully intend to write down a list today and get myself organized! I’m so easily overwhelmed but I’m trying to make an effort to take it one hour, one day at a time. Everything that needs to get done always gets done, and I’m really trying to work on my patience and not stressing myself out. How do you keep yourself calm when things get crazy? I’d love to hear


Hope you all have a great Monday! xo

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