Animals & Wildlife Magazine

06 - 10 Tips For...

By Dodema
...Attracting Butterflies to Your Backyard

06 - 10 Tips for...

Acronicta rumicis
Provide host plants for caterpillars
If it's a true butterfly habitat, your garden will include a number of different host plants for caterpillars. Remember, you need to feed the larvae, too, not just the adult butterflies. And female butterflies will be cruising your garden, looking for places to lay their eggs.

06 - 10 Tips for...
Dolerus sp.

Some species are specialists, requiring host plants from a particular genus or family. Other butterflies aren't as picky, and will deposit eggs on a range of plants.
06 - 10 Tips for...
Dolerus sp.
06 - 10 Tips for...
Acronicta rumicis
06 - 10 Tips for...
Acronicta rumicisMany caterpillars feed on trees and shrubs, rather than herbaceous plants, so include some woody plants in your habitat. As a bonus, they'll provide shelter for overwintering or roosting butterflies, too. --->
06 - 10 Tips for...
Dolerus sp.

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